19. Cost of loyalty

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*Chapter triggers: (light) attempted non-con.


Nyran expected things to go horribly wrong at every turn, but after four or five flawless missions she had to learn to relax. No ship malfunctions, no airlock accidents, no unexpected variables in the supply sites. Rusot might have been just bluffing, trying to scare her with empty talk. But there was also the possibility that he simply could not find the right opportunity to dispose of her, not wanting Cardassians to get caught in the death-trap as well. In any case, living under this level of stress was making her feel sick, so she decided to stop worrying. If he was true to his word, she really might not see it coming early enough anyway.

They had another victory to celebrate. Damar called her in for a briefing a few minutes before everyone else just to enjoy this bit of good news alone together.

"Before they can wrap their heads around that one, we'll attack the Tevok shipyards," he grinned. Then his smile withered, when he remembered the cost. "We've lost one ship of our own, though, and there've been a few deaths on several others. Thankfully, all the injured are getting decent treatment because of you -- the last run provided us with all the medical supplies we need right now."

"It wasn't my idea and I could not have done it alone," she reminded him politely, but smiled nonetheless. "We're also damn lucky doctor Idra decided to join the cause. She's magnificent. I watched her work before I came over and I nearly fell in love with her."

"I can understand that, she was my secret crush at the Academy," Damar chuckled. "She only joined because she knew me before I even became Dukat's Adjutant. Said I was a disgrace as a leader, which is true, but that she always thought I was an alright guy and going off to fight the Dominion was proof enough of that for her."

"'An alright guy'," Nyran snorted. "Understatement of the decade, if you ask me. But I'm glad she's with us. A few of the guys in the infirmary right now would not have made it without her."

When the rest of the team arrived, Damar sent the mission dossiers to their respective PADDs.

"It's a simple one," he said in his usual dry workplace tone. "We need to replenish some of the weapons and ordnance that was used in the recent attacks. It is quite likely you'll meet a patrol or two on this route, which is why you get to fly in one of the Jem'Hadar fighters this time. Glinn Seskal will be the main pilot and the leader of the mission, you can pick a copilot according to your own judgment."

"Thank you, Legate," Seskal saluted. The group then moved as one to the prepared fighter.

No patrols stopped them, however. The trip was so smooth and uneventful, even Nyran relaxed a bit, opening a book on her PADD behind the coms. When they arrived at the designated coordinates, they were asked to submit the request for supplies and they complied, which allowed them to get close enough to the station for a precise strike that wiped out the main guard tower, leaving only a few guards in their way for when they beamed to the surface.

Nyran did not really have to be armed, as the rest of the group were seasoned soldiers -- Damar refused to send her along with rookies -- but she held onto her rifle just in case anyway. She even got a few shots in, when one of the Jem'Hadar guards surprised Seskal as he jumped out of a dark corner, grabbed him by the hem of his armor and nearly stabbed him.

"Thanks," Seskal shot her a half-hearted smile. She shrugged in response. He was Rusot's right hand, it was no surprise he held no love for her, he must have been listening to his boss's rants all day long. Still not a reason to let him die needlessly.

When the perimeter was secured, they used the security code to open the door to the storage. The soldier left behind aboard the fighter beamed down empty crates. They filled each of them to the brim and sent them back up.

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