28. Terms of surrender

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There was no "home" to go to. Nyran could not very well ask him, but she reckoned Damar would probably not mind her using the bathroom in his old quarters. The water felt so good on her skin she stayed for a long while; her palms were all wrinkly before she deemed it was enough. The replicator supplied her with body lotion, deodorant, her favorite perfume and favorite dress model she used to wear to work before she joined the resistance.

When she smelled like a flower for the first time in weeks, her hair in a flawless braid and her tired feet in a pair of reasonable shoes, she decided to visit the command center.

"What the fuck is she still doing here?"

The female Founder calmly sat on a chair in the corner of the room, looking fresh. There were no guards, just Kira, Garak, Odo and a few other Federation personnel, evidently preparing terms of surrender.

Nyran stood in open doors and felt like she was going to be sick to her stomach. She had never felt such hatred before. That woman was the one person who stood behind all those needless deaths. Millions of soldiers and civilians were gone because of her. To hell with her.

They seemed to recognize the look on her face. Garak shot her a glare; he wanted to do to the Founder the same kind of bad things she did. Kira, however, darted towards her.

"The Founder has surrendered," she reminded her. "She's waiting to sign the documents and give herself up for trial."

"What trial?" Nyran yelped. "She's a mass murderer! A war criminal! I want her dead!"

The Founder watched her, unperturbed. Her expression had not shifted one bit. That bitch.

Garak scoffed, but it was Odo who spoke up this time.

"That's up to the Federation now, Nyran. I trust they will be fair and she will receive fair punishment."

"How can you be so fucking calm about it?!" she exhaled in disbelief.

"I'm not. This level of destruction is extremely upsetting to me, especially done by the hand of one of my people. But that was the only way she was going to order her forces to stand down. Or would you have preferred the Jem'Hadar to fight to their last breath? Cardassian casualties are high enough already, don't you think?"

Nyran just shook her head, speechless. If she was to be completely honest with herself, she wanted all the changelings eradicated; maybe except Odo. Hate bubbled in her chest, so hot it could compete with lava*. But she knew those feelings came from a very dark place. A place she visited when she was watching her world being torn to shreds, when she was thinking of all the innocent, defenseless people screaming, scrambling for cover, shielding their children with their own bodies, dying for no good reason. A place she never wanted to return to.

So she left his question unanswered.

"I'm going back to my homeworld to ensure this will never repeat," Odo continued, voice somewhat softer, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. "I will have to teach my people about the solids -- about the good things. Open their eyes, so to speak."

Nyran watched his strange face for a few moments before reacting.

"You're a good guy, Odo. But you're just one man... Do you really think you'll be able to influence your whole population that much?"

Odo smiled a little. "Damar did."

Nyran chuckled and nodded. "I'll have to give you that one. Well played. And... I guess good luck. Don't take it personally, but I hope I never hear of your species again."

"I'm not surprised. Would you like to go over the surrender terms?"

"Uhh, I'm not qualified for that," Nyran hesitated.

The Casualty «Dukat/Damar & OFC» 🔞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now