23. Fickle luck

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Odo's condition rendered him virtually useless for any kind of mission. Nyran could see worry even in Garak's face now. They had to drop him off at Terok Nor — or Deep Space Nine, as they called it — to be treated, if it was even possible. Some Dr. Bashir was said to be working on a cure.

"Don't worry, we'll be right back," Kira said softly on her way to the shuttle.

"We'll be waiting," Nyran nodded. "I really hope Odo's gonna be alright."

"We'll see," Kira said shortly. The strain on her face was obvious, just as the determination to not let it break her. Nyran squeezed her hand.

"Good luck. Fly safe."

They promised to bring more supplies on their way back, which was good news for everyone staying behind. Power for the sonic showers was running low and they were already down to five minutes of showering per person. A bit of freshness would undoubtedly raise morale in the caves.


"I screwed up, didn't I?"

Nyran was getting ready for bed when Damar finally finished his work and joined her in their cavern. They were about to enjoy privacy for a few days now, with Arem moved out and Kira and Garak dropping Odo off at Terok Nor. His statement puzzled her.

"What do you mean?"

"The headquarters are now buzzing with rumors about us," he said with a sigh when he sat beside her. "I wasn't exactly thinking straight when we landed, I spent the whole trip home wallowing in grief. I messed it all up. Even if Zessad didn't see us with his own two eyes, someone would've informed him sooner rather than later. And after what I've confessed at the memorial yesterday, everyone else put two and two together as well."

"Hey, Skrain went insane when Ziyal died," Nyran shrugged. "I think you've handled yourself pretty well, considering. It's still just rumors, I wouldn't worry too much. And frankly, I was just fooling myself anyway. Arem didn't deserve to get caught in this, but I wasn't willing to let him go. I was scared I wouldn't find such a great guy again and would end up a bitter old spinster. It's better this way, at least for him."

"Nyran," Damar tilted his head to the side, "Niala was going to divorce me eventually anyway, even if she couldn't do it the way she wished. She was actually the one who wanted more children, but we couldn't afford it on my salary. She wouldn't risk having kids with someone else while still married to me. I don't know how long it would've taken, but I was ready to push for it as soon as our sons were old enough to deal with the divorce. And at some point... I'd be free."

Nyran's breath hitched. That was the last thing she expected to hear.

"We've never talked about this much, have we..." she exhaled. "Just how long did you plan on still being interested in me?"

"Good things come to those who can wait," he shrugged coyly.

It had been quite some time since someone managed to make her blush, but it was happening now. Just the simple promise of such a future devotion made her heart skip. She cleared her throat.

"What about her 'guy', did he join them in hiding, or...?"

"He didn't, in fact. Turned out he wasn't the rebellious type, she said. Hardly any of us are, we like the chain of command and following rules, that's nothing new... But according to Niala, he thought forming a resistance was crazy and that we were all just asking to die. He begged her to stay in Neshkar, promised he would protect them, but... She knew as well as I did that it would've just gotten him killed along with them. So they said their goodbyes and she left with the boys. Far as I know, he's still a powerful figure, not being prosecuted at all."

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