31. Mission of peace

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Nyran put her best effort into forgiving and forgetting the crimes committed against her people. Yet, regardless of how hard she tried, she could not fake horror or regret at hearing about how the female Founder had somehow ended up in the hands of the Federation's own dirty, 'secret' spy organization. The same one which was responsible for infecting the Changelings with a deadly disease before the war had even broken out.

Garak's eyes gleamed with restrained gleeful malice as he informed her in a hushed voice. Huddled together in the barely functional command center, they were processing reports of the progress of the restoration and redistributing forces that had finished their assigned tasks to other areas that needed their attention. Damar was away, meeting with the new Council. Garak must have already told him the juicy bit of gossip and now it was her turn.

Nyran felt guilty for the instant relief and satisfaction she got from the news.

"What are they going to do with her?" she asked, masking the excitement in her voice.

"Probably some torture and intel extraction," Garak shrugged. "She's a war criminal and full of intel any planet of note in the Alpha quadrant might need if the Founders decide to try their luck again. I imagine her stay will be quite... unpleasant," he said in his careful way as he beamed.

"That's horrible," she argued weakly. "What was the Federation going to do to punish her, though?"

Garak scoffed. "Not much. What exactly can you do to a bucket of goo? The options are few if you keep to your high morals. Which is why I imagine someone let the information slip and left the door unlocked, so to speak. Probably someone with a similarly strong grudge as we hold."

Nyran just bobbed her head, still fighting the awful glee spreading in her guts like hot fish juice. She wanted the Changeling punished, she wanted her to hurt, but she had been skeptical about what the Federation would decide was an appropriate ending for her, given that they were above killing as an instrument of justice. This... this sounded much harsher than what Nyran had imagined her sentence would be. Much better.

"She had it coming," Nyran whispered, unable to stop herself.

"She most assuredly did, my dear," Garak agreed avidly. "Don't feel bad for wishing for this. She never gave a second thought to the lives she'd taken. She didn't care. She would've killed us all and not blinked once. Whatever bad treatment in the past drove them to this, they can consider themselves lucky Kira was here when the fate of their whole species was being decided. Was it up to me, I would've let them all die."

Yes, Garak was all smiles and soft voice, but now and then he reminded her what lay underneath that falsely sweet persona: a ruthless killer. His priorities were clear and set and his questionable actions did not torture him in nightmares like they did her. She envied him sometimes.

And every time she remembered who she was dealing with, she was also happy he was on their side. Working closely together for months, they had become friends effortlessly, but she could imagine what a terrible enemy he would be if the situation was different.

"I have one more piece of good news," Garak added with a wide smile and wagged his eyebrows. "One of the issues Damar is discussing with the others right now is the capture of one of the worst Dominion collaborators."

"Which one?" Nyran leaned in with a new thirst.

"Gul Revok," Garak stretched out in a low voice.

She gasped. "That son of a bitch? Good! Where was he hiding?"

"In a nebula on the outskirts of the empire. He couldn't stay there forever, he had to venture out to refuel and restock, and a patrol came across his ship."

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