20. Occupational hazard

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*Chapter triggers: (light) attempted non-con, physical violence, attempted suicide.


Damar explained everything to Arem, watching his eyes go wide with dread, trying not to succumb to the same feelings himself. It was important for him to know what they might find at the end of their journey. Damar planned for Arem to be the one to physically rescue Nyran, as it would not only help secure their relationship, but also put some of the rumors going around to rest. Rusot was probably their source anyway, reading too much into Damar's chivalry towards Nyran.

He was determined to be two steps behind Arem and be there just in case Nyran wanted to see him for some reason, letting her know at least from a distance that she could always count on him.

However, they had to find and rescue her first.

Calculating the possible location of the ship that took her from the supply station was tricky even with the help of a scout ship making a quick, stealthy recon stop near the station. Without their precise time of departure and average speed, the possible area was still large. So they positioned themselves slightly ahead of the furthest likely point the Dominion lackeys could have reached and now they just had to wait for them to show up and hope a patrol did not appear first.

He felt someone's hand on his shoulder and looked up.

"She'll be alright," Arem said hoarsely. "We'll get to her in time."

Damar's face must have betrayed a lot of his inner torment. Shit. He should have watched his body language more. He could not reveal his true feelings to anyone, much less to this man.

"Of course," he said, trying to find a calm, confident expression to cover his face.

"Uhm, sorry," Arem put his hand down. "You just looked really bummed, sir. I know what that feels like."

Damar could not suppress a smile. Nyran really did learn from her mistakes. Even Damar was starting to warm up to the man, despite him taking up the spot at Nyran's side, the spot he thought to be his own. Arem's charm was clearly coming from a place in his heart, not the ability to talk people into anything. She deserved the best and it seemed like she had gotten it.

"No, no," Damar shook his head. "Thanks for the concern."

"You know, you don't have to pretend with me," Arem gave him a knowing look.

"What?" Damar's breathing stopped for a moment.

"I know you two are friends," Arem winked, smiling. "I understand why you insist on professionalism around each other, especially in such a... casual place as those caves. But I, for one, I'm glad you're close. She deserves good friends."

A feeling of profound guilt spread through Damar's body like poison. What did he think he was doing? He should have stopped talking to Nyran in private completely. He should have stayed behind and left this mission in Arem's capable hands. He should have stepped as far away from both of them as he possibly could. His chance with her seemed to have passed and standing in Arem's way was not doing any of them any favors.

"You seem like a good man yourself, Zessad," he replied after winning the short inner battle against his own emotions. "She was scared and cautious, not wanting to repeat the pain she's been through, but I think she picked the right guy."

Arem's smile widened. Apparently, he was a bit taken with Damar and his opinion meant a lot to him. Poor man. If only he knew...

Just as Damar was finishing his grim train of thought, the communication speaker sprung to life.

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