25. Civil unrest

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Despite the lukewarm welcome she had received from the newly formed civilian resistance, Nyran could not very well just walk the streets like any other local. She was in just as much danger of being recognized as Damar -- maybe more, because she usually got noticed just because of how different she looked. Sort of sticking out like a sore thumb among the Cardassians, as Garak pointed out, same as the Commander. So the men decided to attend various rebel meetings without them.

That did not stop them from helping in their own ways.

Kira found a Breen uniform somewhere -- she would not say how she got it, but Nyran was sure she must have shot someone and pulled it off of them -- and watched the Cardassians' backs from the shadows in the streets, shooting Jem'Hadar patrols that dared stop them.

Nyran realized, as she was trying to tend to some scrapes and minor burns after the bombing incident in the streets, that she had lost all of her medical equipment and medicine along with the fighter and their headquarters. To amend that, she decided to visit her foster sister who lived in the capital just a few blocks away from Mila's house. She only told Kira, as Damar would likely try to dissuade her from ever leaving the cellar, but made sure to leave the exact address just in case anything went wrong.

Dressed in some of the stolen clothes and a rag hat, she looked nothing like any of the pictures the Dominion had of her. Just as a precaution she did put a disruptor pistol under the fabric on her hip. She knew she would probably never get the opportunity to use it if a patrol decided to stop and check her, but it made her feel better.

The disguise worked like magic and the trip to her sister's house was undisturbed. Her heart rate spiked a few times when she spotted a Jem'Hadar here and there, but they did not even look her way. Whew. She reached her sister's house quickly and rang the bell.


Nyran's tear ducts started burning out of the blue. Her sister's eyes widened and she quickly pulled her inside the house, so no one would see them.

"Nyran!" she exhaled and hugged her.

"By the gods, someone's trying to be the third in this hug," Nyran chuckled. Karissa's belly was big and round, probably not long until she was due to give birth. They had last spoken months ago and it felt like another life now.

"Yeah," she smiled, half happy, half sad. "I'm trying to stay positive, but all this mess that's broken out after Legate Damar left office and became a rebel... I'm scared."

Nyran squeezed her shoulders and peered at her.

"We'll do everything we can to turn things around. I promise."

"Oh gods, I knew you were in on it when you disappeared," Karissa groaned and raked her hair with her hands. "A picture of your face was under his on every screen, but I so wanted to believe that they're lying and you're actually somewhere safe. Nyran, they will find you and kill you! And worse -- before they kill you, they will interrogate you, torture you, probably punish everyone you've ever known and make you into a traitor. Do you really want to die like that? Father's heart would break if he was still alive."

"I'm trying to make Cardassia into a place you deserve to live in," Nyran shook her head. "I know you're worried and I know things could get bad... but if they cared about punishing people I know, they would've done it already. And the man fighting for all of us out there... I believe in him. For the first time in my life I have faith in something and that's him. We might not see the end of this occupation, but trust me, people won't stop fighting back, not until the Dominion is gone."

Tears washed over Karissa's cheeks.

"Father tried his best to raise a good girl," she smiled, "but no one could ever get that fire out of you. I knew you'd get in trouble eventually, just never thought it would be this bad. Seeing that look on your face, I almost wish I had your spirit. It must feel good to have some power, any sort of control... These days I feel like I'm a slave on my own soil. It burns me from the inside, but I have to be careful. I doubt they'd spare me a beating just because I'm pregnant."

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