18. Preemptive goodbye

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As long as Arem, Damar and their new allies were at the headquarters, Rusot gave Nyran peace. But now that there were two of "them Bajorans" present, as he pointed out, he did not let his guard down. An hour after her protectors' departure on a mission, Rusot materialized at the entrance to her cavern, catching her alone.

She was washing her underwear in a similar fashion as she cleaned her hair, only this time using some herbs she had found around the cave structure and the ever-present salt. It was far from perfect, but the mixture disinfected the fabric nicely, leaving a strange, but clean scent*. She was quietly humming a tune and just minding her business, when she heard Rusot behind her.

"You know, if we were back on Cardassia, you'd get court-martialed for attacking an officer on duty," he purred, but the sound was nothing like Dukat's seductive talk. His voice ground against her ear canals like sandpaper.

"Lucky for you, because then all I would've had to do was let you hit Gul Zessad," she smirked.

"Oh, you think you're so clever," he sneered. "Anything you learned from us doesn't make you a Cardassian, girl. Now that there's a known terrorist with us here, when can we expect you to turn on us and cut our throats in our sleep?"

Nyran took the time to properly roll her eyes. Then she slowly stood up and turned.

"Think I'd tell you, Rusot? Ruin the surprise?"

"That's sir to you, girl," he growled, but she narrowed her eyes.

"Since you don't bother taking my rank and position into account, don't expect me to treat you as my superior. Because you're clearly not."

"There's that Bajoran arrogance**," Rusot chuckled coldly. "You're nowhere near equal to me, girl. Sleeping with powerful men will never make you into anything special. They only keep you around for pussy, you're nothing to them. Stop fooling yourself. Leave."

Nyran could feel her body temperature spike as the adrenaline began to fill her bloodstream. She was never too far from being overheated, even after a lifetime spent among Cardassians, and this place was even hotter than what she was used to. If he kept pushing her any further, she would have to use up some precious minutes from her sonic-shower time to wash away the sweat.

"After you, sir," she hissed.

"You don't belong here. Get it through your thick skull, you will never be one of us. The Cardassia we're trying to rebuild here should have no place for offworld trash like you."

"Funny you should stop by to tell me that now," Nyran crossed her arms over her chest, cocking her head in mock wonder. "Were you afraid someone with a backbone would have protected me from you? Have you told Legate Damar how you feel, yet?" she smirked.

"He appears to have a soft spot for you," Rusot growled in disgust. "Interesting, as he was never into alien filth before. How did you do that? Did you offer him some pussy, hm? I'd have never expected him to take it, but maybe he made the mistake, which would explain the nonsense he's been spewing out about you. Magic pussy, a male's ultimate doom."

"Stop talking about my private parts as if you owned them, you creep," she spat. The very word on his lips was an insult to every single vagina in existence. He sneered and took a step forward.

"If it's good enough to turn a man like him into a fool, maybe I should try some, too," he mused. "Perhaps I'll end up licking your heels as well and you'll have three advocates here."

The amused threat in his face was becoming a real issue as he took one step after another, closing in on her. Nyran's anger was quickly turning into fear. Did he really mean it? He looked at her as if he was going to vomit, but maybe driving her away from here was worth the sacrifice to him.

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