14. Face off

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Arem came back and kept coming back. And when they were in bed, he kept making her come, as well. It was a perfect distraction from the otherwise depressing life she was leading right then. They had agreed not to make any conclusions prematurely, so there was no need for an awkward conversation about "where was this leading to?" and instead they simply had as much fun as possible in a time of war.

Nyran knew getting over Damar would be a slow and painful process, but caring about Arem came naturally to her despite everything. His attractiveness, eloquence and sexual prowess were the only things he had in common with Dukat. He was loyal and compassionate, power was to him just something that came with rank but never really interested him, and instead of manipulating her he was open and honest and even often reflected on what he was saying and how, worried she might have understood something differently than how he meant it. She felt safe with him.

Maybe too safe. Perhaps there was something wrong with her, but knowing he was so devoted to her made her feel like she did not need to make much effort. He tried too hard and she was left with little to do. It got boring at times. He did not deserve such an attitude, but she could not help it. The thought of staying with him long-term was bland... she would not mind, but that was it. He was dear to her, but apart from the excitement they had in bed, there was nothing much she was looking forward to at the end of each day on her way home.

Perhaps she had always been broken this way, perhaps Dukat got her hooked on emotional pain, but the fact remained that the safety of this relationship was not what she really wanted. But she knew that the minute she broke up with him over it, she would lose a friend, too. That was enough of a jolt for her every time she considered it and it made her stay.

It might not be a healthy relationship, but it was the best she had.


One morning Nyran found Damar unexpectedly sober.

"What's wrong?" was her first reaction. Then she shook her head. "I mean, I'm glad you're awake and alert, but... Anything happen?"

He gave her a strange, coy look.

"Dukat is here," he said quietly.


Nyran's body reacted with a violent dose of adrenaline released into her system. Her heart rate sky-rocketed, her breathing shallowed, her muscles were ready to fight. She balled her hands into fists and looked furiously around, as if expecting him to pop up.

"Where is he? I'll call security. He's not getting his revenge."

"Relax," Damar caught her shoulders. "It's fine. He asked me for a favor and he's getting it now. I've stayed sober to make sure he doesn't... do anything he might regret. He's in no position to hurt you right now and I will be with you when he's done."

"What is he getting?" Nyran narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Damar made an unconvinced grimace.

"He wanted something really unexpected. I'd better tell you after he's gone."

"So he's not staying?" Nyran's body was slowly starting to relax again, the overload of blood humming away from her head.

"No. Don't worry, I promised you something and I will deliver."

She remembered his words from that night months ago and smiled. Still, Dukat might not have come here to make her cry. If he still cared at all, he would have come to kill. She let out a big breath and let Damar think she was fine -- she did not want him to worry. But she decided to be ready for anything this time; if Dukat came near her, she would strike first.

Later that day Damar received a message from one of the soldiers to come to his quarters. Nyran looked up from her report and saw him send a tiny nod her way. It was time -- Dukat was done with whatever he was doing and she was supposed to follow Damar to get a look at what happened to him. Damar initially did not want her near him at all, but for some reason changed his mind in the middle of waiting, saying she really should know what she was going to be dealing with.

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