| chapter five |

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I pull the comforter over my head and flip my pillow over as I sigh and shut my eyes for the billionth time that night. After meeting that kid- well, more like slamming into that kid at the store today, I just couldn't fall asleep. The thought that Smalls could have seen my hat if I wasn't quick enough, he probably would have assumed I stole it or something.

Overthinking really is my specialty!

I slowly propped myself up in bed, as the clock struck midnight. Going for a little walk wouldn't hurt, right?

I pushed off the mattress and stood up, flicking my closet light on and grabbing a big hoodie to wear out. I was wearing a loose pair of gray shorts, that were definitely too short to wear in public, (though it's not like I would see anyone anyways), and a tank top, so I definitely needed an extra layer, as it had dropped down to 56 degrees.

Putting on pants and brushing my hair was definitely too much effort, so I decided to keep my hair in a messy bun, and laced up my Reebok's.

The plan of action was to hopefully get outside through some exit, and to go explore near the end of the block. Just gotta figure out what exit to use...

Going out the front door would be painfully loud and obvious, and sneaking out the back door would be quite risky as I could fall into the pool.

So, as my last resort and only option, I cracked the window open and climbed out.

I managed to make it outside, though the drop was bigger than I expected and I fell into a bush.

After brushing the dirt off my legs, I began my stroll down the street.

The breeze was nicely blowing through my hair, and the sound of slight crickets and leaves rusting was calming, but man, was it dark out. I practically couldn't see anything, so I can't go too far.

I decided it was best to just walk straight, that way, when I decide to end my journey, I can just turn back around and be back home. Perfect plan, as long as I don't lose my sense of direction.


I ended up walking for a really long time. Well, not that long, probably only 10 minutes or so, but the dim lighting and quiet atmosphere made it feel like miles.

It was weird, not even a car or person went by me the whole time. Guess this neighborhood has an early bedtime.

I went as far as I could before I ran into a wooden fence. The wall appeared to stretch out several feet, but I could faintly see an opening a couple steps away.

Stepping through the entrance, I was suddenly surprised to see myself standing in a huge field.

Looking closer at the ground though, I realized it wasn't really a field. It was kinda dirty, and there was practically no grass in sight besides some dried-up patches with a few trees and bushes. Weird.

I carefully stepped further into the area, making sure to stick by the fence, as the moon shined brighter than ever upon the vast fenced-off spot.

"Wow." I whispered to myself. You can really see the stars from here. It was gorgeous.

My stargazing was quickly interrupted, however, with the sound of a large bang. Almost like a crack, as if someone hit something.

I jumped and quickly ducked behind a bush, making sure the noise didn't come from behind me.

I swear to god if I die right now, Imma' be so mad.

I scanned my eyes across the field in a panic, but couldn't see anything.

Suddenly, out of the shadows came a tall, terrifying figure, appearing to hold a bat, as it began to stride right in my direction.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck-" I whispered while clamping my hand over my mouth as I curled into a ball behind the plants.

The shadow continued to pace closer and closer until he was less than fifty feet away from me.

How stupid am I to go into a big ass field in the middle of the night? I'm like the dumb girl at the start of every horror movie, who decides to go outside the pitch black, and ends up getting beaten to death by a creepy man in a mask.

But suddenly, the person stops and bends over to pick up an object.

Never in my life had I ever been this dumb. It's literally just some kid with a baseball.

Squiting closer, I fumble forward so I could perfectly see the moonlight shine upon their face.

What are the chances?

Standing right in front of me, was a boy who looked identical to the boy I saw a few nights ago. Never thought I'd see him again, but what the fuck is he doing in a field in the middle of the night? Though, he could probably be asking me the same thing right now.

He threw the baseball up and down a few times in his palm, as he paced around. He eventually made his way further into the lot, while he stared into the sky.

I leaned back in relief, sighing as I brushed the hair out of my eyes.

I guess I leaned back a little too far though, cause I heard the loudest snap of a branch I had ever heard in my entire life.

I shot up the fastest I humanely could, and began booking it towards the gate, hoping I could make it out before he turned around.

But he spun around quicker than I thought, and soon enough he was staring at me as I attempted to run out of the field.

"HEY! WAIT UP!" He shouted as he began to sprint after me.

I thought I was gonna make it, but god, was he fast, cause I could not outrun him. And soon enough, he was less than five feet away from me.

The boy suddenly grabbed my arm and tried to pull me back, but I continued to dash away as fast as I could.

"GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF OF ME, HAVE ANY MANNERS?" I turned my head around to yell at him as I continued to go towards the fence.

He then gave up his chase, as I left the kid vacant in the field, while I never stopped running.


I sprinted all the way home, not taking a single stop to catch my breath. Not even looking behind me, or retying my laces.

Stumbling back into my room, I threw my hoodie on the floor, slipping my shoes off and flopping on the floor.

I could barely feel my lungs, and my ears rang as I clenched my chest. My eyes stung from the wind, and my vision began to go blurry, like I was seeing stars and swirls of color.

And just like that, I was out.

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