| chapter twenty eight |

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There's something so funny yet intriguing about the way boys' minds work, I can't even begin to wrap my finger around it.

The boys had come up with the idea to place a fake ball as a placeholder until we can get the ball back, just so Mrs. Smalls isn't suspicious.

So I, for some reason, was tasked with the assignment to go to the store and purchase the ball, while Benny stayed at the sandlot and brainstormed retrieval methods with the others.

"You know, if you guys could stop being such little pussies about it, maybe we could just hop over the fence and grab the ball," I explained as the group dropped pennies and quarters into my cupped hands.

"Oh shut it, woman." Squints sputtered out as he tossed two dimes at me.

"Watch your mouth, or you'll get a ball to your di-"

Smalls placed a hand on my shoulder, cutting me off, "Alrighty, that's enough! Elle, we'll see you in a bit, m'kay?"

"You got it!" I grinned at them as I shoved the change in my pocket and headed towards the exit.

"No dillydallying!"


I eventually made my way to the convenience store - Vincent Drug obviously, with $4.27 cents, which is far much more than I need to buy a baseball.

As I pressed my hand against the warm glass door, the familiar scent of dust filled my lungs. Home sweet home.

I quickly grabbed a bottle of sprite before briskly walking over to the miscellaneous aisle, making sure to not trip over my feet like I did that one time. I carefully browsed the several baseball options till I found the cheapest one. Only forty-five cents, pretty good deal if you ask me.

As I bent down to pick up the little cardboard box off the shelf, however, I felt a gentle hand fall on my shoulder. It was kinda warm, but not like a hand I know. Not like Benny's hand.

I immediately shot up, spinning around with the ball clutched in my fist.

Oh god, Phillips.

Rolling my eyes, I groaned out a subtle, "Hi?"

"Hey. Haven't seen you in a minute, Giselle. How you doin'?" God, can he get a grip?

"Don't you have other girls to bother? Not really in the mood to chat, to be honest." I huffed as I walked around him, shoving my shoulder against his as I walked, making him stumble back.

"W-Wait." He called out as he grabbed my arm, making me shiver. I frantically shook my arm from his fingers but decided to give him a chance.

Slowly turning around, I stayed quiet and waited for him to speak. After all the weird shit he said about me to the boys, I'm not gonna speak to him voluntarily.

But the words that escaped his mouth left me puzzled, "Look, I know the stuff I said a few weeks ago wasn't cool, and I just wanted to apologize."

"Apologize?" I questioned as I tapped my foot against the concrete below me.

"Yeah, I'm serious. Honest to god, I don't know what got into me, but I don't wanna be on bad terms. But if Benny doesn't want you talkin' to me, don't worry bout it, I'll leave you be-"

"You're good." I interrupted as we locked eyes.

He chuckled as his shoulders instantly relaxed. I mean, in all honesty, sure he was an asshole that one time, but giving him another chance isn't the worst idea, even if he and Benny don't get along, that's not my problem. Besides, I'm not living here permanently, so holding grudges isn't gonna get me anywhere.

"Really? I'm sorry again."

"Yeah, just don't pull shit like that on me or another girl ever again. It's a one-way ticket to getting your ass beat, trust me."

"I'll take your word for it." Phillips laughed as he shifted his weight back and forth. "So, whatcha getting?"

I glanced down at my items as I explained. "Just soda and a ball. My friends were big idiots again and lost a super important ball, so I'm here to buy a replacement

"Not surprised."

"You watch it, Phillips." I rolled my eyes as we walked toward the register.

"Just kidding, just kidding." He quickly held his hands up in defense, making me grin.

I neatly placed my items on the checkout counter, where a middle-aged woman with brown curly hair began to check me out. Yet, he decided to place his items down next to mine.

Throwing a ten-dollar bill against the plastic countertop, he stepped back,  "It's on me."

"What?" I asked, turning towards him as he gave me a slight nod. "Oh god no, you can't do that," I mumbled out as I reached down for the money, though he stopped me immediately.

"C'mon, it's the least I can do. Besides, I'm not letting you leave unless I pay." He scoffed as the lady slipped the bill into the cash register and handed him the change.

We argued for a moment before I caved and grabbed our stuff.

"Thanks again, you really didn't have to do that." I sighed as we walked towards the exit and I popped open my Sprite.

"Don't mention it." He smirked as he held the door open.

We anxiously stood outside for a moment until I broke the silence.  "Welp, I gotta get back to the sandlot."

He replied, "Yeah, I'm goin' this way anyways."


"Maybe I'll see you around sometime for a game of ball or something, at your field this time. Catch ya later, pretty gir- I mean, Ms. Perlman." He let out jokingly as he winked and spun around, both of us heading opposite ways. He may be an asshole and the biggest flirt ever, but I will admit, he's pretty funny.

However, as I was at least a yard from the boy, I heard his voice call out from behind me.

"Hey, I forgot to mention this. I'm throwing a party later tonight if you're interested." A party?

"I dunno man," I chuckled "Never been to a party before."

"Really?" He gasped as if I had just slapped him in the face. "You should come, It'll be fun."

I froze, contemplating my decisions, but before I could even make up my mind, he grabbed my hand and wrote down his phone number and address. Bold move.


"Nine-o-clock. Be there"

Guess I am going.


hi readers, alex here

just wanted to say thank you so mf much for over 6k reads, the support has been absolutely unreal, and i hope you guys are excited for giselle's first party next chapter!

also - new character next chapter?!?!?!?! what!?!?!?

all i'm saying is, be ready ;)

- alex

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