| chapter twelve |

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It's been almost two weeks of playing baseball every day, and I've decided it's finally time for me to be the batter.

When I informed the boys about my revelation, they were all extremely ecstatic.

"Oh man, can't wait to watch you strike out three whole times!" Squints cheered as he flailed his arms into the air.

"You shut up." I told him as I yanked his hat downs to cover his eyes.

I slowly walked over to home base, picking up a wooden bat off the sandy floor, while everyone else got into position.

Fuck, this is scarier than anticipated.

I anxiously brushed my hair over my shoulders, as I cracked my knuckles and shakily placed my feet in the correct position.

Benny was sitting out this game to let the other boys have a chance to play, but he could definitely see how tense I was, as I saw him jog over to me from the dugout.

"You good?" He asked as he looked me up and down.

"I-I don't think I'm doing this right." I whisper, turning towards him.

"Here." He motioned me to hand him the bat, but instead just repositioned my hands, placing my fingers in all the right places.

He then proceeded to nudge my feet with his shoes, standing right behind me.

Putting his arms over my shoulders (due to our significant height difference), he put his hands over mine and began to explain how to swing.


"Not another word, got it?" Ham immediately shut his mouth, cursing under his breath as Benny continued.

After a few moments of chatting and practice swings, I was ready. The boy shot me a comforting thumbs up before backing up, leaving me alone.

"You ready Elle? I'm throwin' you the heater, no pretty privilege now!" I roll my eyes and sigh, but continue to focus on the ball.

Ham announced his typical "play ball" spiel, and we were in the game.

The white orb comes speeding towards me with great force, to which I am too slow to react, and the ball smashes against Ham's glove.

"STRIKE ONEEEE!" Fuck, this is harder than I thought.

I then proceed to do the exact same thing once again, getting myself another strike.

"One more strike and your out pretty girl!" Ham joked as I growled a small "shut it" and I cracked my knuckles.

Okay, last shot Elle, or you're an embarrassment and are the biggest letdown on the planet and everyone will humiliate you for the rest of eternity. Just don't screw this one up, and we're good!

Shakily holding my breath, I line my dusty Converse up with the base and swing the bat over my shoulder. My hands were awfully cramped, but I gripped the sweaty batt with all my might as I saw DeNunez wind up his arm one last time.

At this moment, everything suddenly just stopped, as the slowed atmosphere filled my surroundings. My eyes flicker open as I watch the ball get chucked towards me, cutting through the light breeze.


The startling noise violently pulled me back to reality as I watch the baseball get smaller and smaller in my vision, soaring through the clouds and falling behind the forbidden fence.

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