| chapter forty seven |

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As I tried to savor every last minute left in this town, I made especially sure to spend every last second with Benny.

"Rodriguez!" I called across the lot after practice.

The brunette boy immediately spun around at the sound of my voice, his eyes slightly lighting up, "Yeah?"

I jogged over to him, making sure the other goofs weren't listening - they were too busy seeing who could spit the furthest. "You wanna come over tonight? I dunno, watch a movie or something."

He whispered in response, "Of course, what time?"


"Sounds great," Benny shot me a grin as I walked over to the bench to grab my belongings.

It was roughly four, meaning everyone would part ways for the day.

Eventually, the group dwindled down to just Smalls and I.

"Hey Elle," Smalls said through his teeth, "I've got a question to ask you,"

I smiled at the kid, "Hit me."

"I know its been, what, three days since we camped out?"

"Your point is?"

He looked absolutely sick to his stomach - like he was on the verge of bursting out of his skin.

"What happened with you and Benny in the tent?"

Jesus Christ.

I fumbled with my glove, staring straight at the floor, "Nothing... why?"

"Well I- I," Smalls spoke shakily, "I know about you two, its just. I couldn't fall asleep, so I decided to go getta breath of fresh air and... I heard noises."

Oh god.

"And the tent - it was almost rocking back and forth-"

"ENOUGH SMALLS, I don't wanna hear it."

His voice was quiet and quick, "So..."

"Anything that went down that night is between me and Benny, THATS IT. Plus, I don't appreciate you peeping around and listening to us any who." I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

"Okay," Smalls mumbled, his head dropping to his chest.

"Look, I know you didn't mean to peep, okay? Just please don't tell anyone."

"I wont."


Benny came right on time, eight o clock sharp.

I opened the door to be greeted by the boy, wearing a pair of grey sweats and a tighter t-shirt, accentuating each vein and curve of his arms, his hair fluffy and messy.


"Hey Giselle,"

"Using full names, I see?"

The boy laughed, "Mhm!"

"Okay, Benjamin." I joked, guiding him to my room.

Settling down on the bed, I laid against his soft chest, "So whatcha wanna do?"

"We could listen to something?"

"Sure," I muttered as I leaped off the bed and began to flip through my record collection. "ACDC, Pink Floyd, Whitney Housto-"

And then the phone rang.

"Who could that be?" He asked me in an unsure tone.

I shrugged, "Probably Mila, I'll answer later."

"Lemme talk to her!" He spoke jokingly, and before I could reach across the room, the boy picked up the red telephone on my nightstand. "Hello?"

As I stared at him, holding the phone, I watched as his once charming face morphed into a mixture of anger, confusion, and disgust.

His brows furrowed, grip tensing around the handle before he slammed the phone aggressively against the table, standing up urgently as he towered over me.

My breath caught in my chest, "Who was it?"

"Jesus Elle, you're still talking to him, aren't you?"

My mouth hung open in confusion, "What?"


I was speechless. "W-What? No! No way."

I'd never seen Benny so angry - and so jealous. Who could have known a phone call could work him up that much.

"Then why the hell is he calling you? And- and why does he wanna 'catch up'?"

There was absolutely no way to defend myself here, but I tried my hardest.

"Benny, he never calls me, I swear-"

He shook his head furiously, "Why does he even have your number in the first place?"

I stood up to meet his gaze, standing inches apart as I spoke softly. "Look, he gave me it the night we smoked at that party-"

"You guys SMOKED TOGETHER? ALONE? What am I even doing here then?" He sputtered, reaching for the door,

"Come on Benny, I- I told you this. We're just friends, what's got you so freaked out right now? I didn't flip when you were friends with other girls, did I?"

His dark eyes narrowed at me, "It's different Elle, I just... can't believe you right now,"

"Are you joking?" I spat out as I stepped closer to him. "I'll never gain your trust, will I? Y'know, it's not my fault he called me."

Benny didn't speak at this moment, instead just starring at me in silence, shooting me a somber look of pure disapproval.

I choked on my words as I felt tears well up in my eyes, millions of memories swirling through my brain.

"Well you're not the perfect guy either." I whispered under my breath.

"What did you just say?"He said as his jaw clenched, making me step back.

"There was one night I walked over to yours..." I spoke, shaky and unsure, "Cause I really needed to talk to you. But you- you were on the phone."

Benny scoffed, "The hell are you talking about?"

"So I'm just a 'cool girl' to you, Benny?! I- I'm 'nothing super serious', isn't that right?" At this point, my glassy eyes began to spill out, dripping onto my cheeks. "You're aware you took my fucking virginity a few nights ago? And I let you! I let you take it, because I'm stupid and I like you, but I don't wanna be with you if you're gonna dictate my every move."

"What are you doing spying on me?"

"Thats not the point, are you listening to me?!" I cried through my groggy throat. "Just tell me, did you really mean what you said?"

We were both visibly over each other at this point, "Elle, I was just saying that cause... well."

"What?" I cried as I stared at the boy, now stone cold.

"You and I both know this wasn't gonna last."

My heart shattered.


"Giselle, I didn't mean it that harsh, I just-"

"We're- we're done. Get the fuck out of my house."



hope you enjoyed ;)
it ain't over yet

- alex

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