| chapter thirty |

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"Jesus Christ," I groaned out as I rolled over my pillows. Nine twenty-six in the morning. "Fuck."

Rubbing my face, I ran my hands through my tangled, frizzy hair, as my eyes flickered open and adjusted to the light.

Sleeping in my makeup and clothes is a new low for me. No way I'm playing ball today.

Though I attempted to fall back asleep, I grew increasingly more uncomfortable in my jeans by the second, making me decide it would be a good idea to at least change out of my clothes and wash my face.

So after a long ten minutes of moping, I lunged myself off my bed and grabbed the first, most comfortable items from my closet I could find- a small white tank and a pair of blue boxers.

When I tell you I've never been that high in my entire life, I mean it. I still feel high, to be honest, and my head is pounding so hard my ears could bleed.

Quickly brushing out my hair in the bathroom, I tied it up out of my face and went over to the sink to wipe away all of the mascara smudged across my face. Everything from last night slowly got foggier as the night went on, and in all honesty, I'm not really sure how I ended up in my room, but here we are.

Yet as I leaned my head over the sink, I noticed something sprawled in black ink across my skin. Numbers.

It all came back. Numbers. His number. Xavier's number.

After washing my face, I scurried over to my phone, speedily dialing in each digit.

The speaker rang two times, followed by a click:

"Hello?" A deep, groggy voice yawned out. Someone just woke up.

"Hi, uh is this Xavier? Xavier O-Otwell?" I stated while reading the smeared Sharpie lettering across my hand.

There was a slight moment of silence making me hold my breath, but the voice continued, "Yep, that's me. Who's this?"

"Guess." I teased into the microphone as I moisturized my face. Xavier chuckled through the static of the call and replied.

"Hmm, lemme think. Giselle?"

"Yep, Giselle Perlman is alive." I chuckled in the third person.

"Perlman?" He puffed out as I made my way over to my bed, dragging the phone behind me.


"So, Giselle Perlman how are you? You were so gone last night, thought you greened out for a second."

Braiding my hair into two pigtails and holding the phone between my chin and shoulder, I answered, "I feel really groggy, think I'm probably gonna go back to sleep. No regrets though, best weed I've ever had."

"Good to hear, glad you're okay," The boy sighed in relief as we proceeded to chat for a few, until he could definitely tell by my voice how exhausted I was. "How bout you get some rest though, I'll see you soon." See me soon?

I paused for a second, freezing in place. "Y-Yeah, yeah of course."

Static pulsated through the phone line as he spoke "Later, Perlman." His voice was followed by a flat dial tone, making me hang up the phone as I leaned back against my mattress.

Muffling my face from the light filling my room, I slowly felt my breathing become steadier as my eyes fluttered shut.

I'll visit the guys in a couple of hours.


I was awoken by the squeaking of my door opening, followed by a rustle of feet.

"Hey Giselle baby, dinners been ready for hours, how about I heat it up for you?" Dinner?

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