Chapter 12: The Cave of Two Lovers

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The Avatar and his friends were within miles of Omashu. But Katara and Aang decided to stop for a moment at a sheltered tributary to a large lake, where they would be safe from any Fire Nation soldiers. Sokka lazily lounged in the water, while Katara continued to teach Aang more waterbending moves, just as she had promised. Aang had gotten quite skillful, but there was still one more technique she was eager to teach him.

AANG: So you were showing me the octopus form?

KATARA: Right. Let me see your stance.

Stretching his legs, Aang assumed a fighting position. Katara stared at him thoughtfully for a moment. Then, moving closer to Aang from behind, she placed her hands on his arms, causing him to blush.

KATARA: Your arms are too far apart. See, if you move them closer together, you protect your center. You got it?

AANG: (Nervously) Oh, yeah. Thanks.

Katara pretended not to notice Aang's flustered expression... even though she seemed pleased.

KATARA: Okay, let's see what you got.

Beinding the water, Aang raised eight tentacles on both sides of himself. Katara came fast, hurling shards of ice at him. Aang swayed the tentacles back and forth, hurling the shards away with perfect timing. Katara was about to strike again, when a tentacle snared her leg. She saw that Aang had shaped the water around himself so that he literally looked like an octopus—which wasn't exactly what Katara had in mind, but she smiled anyway.

KATARA: You make a fine octopus, Pupil Aang.

Just then, they all heard the sound of music. Some travelers ambled jauntily down the path. Two of them were strumming lutes and singing a song.

CHONG: "Don't fall in love with the traveling girl. She'll leave you broke and brokenhearted"... Hey, river people!

KATARA: We're not river people.

CHONG: (Puzzled) You're not? Well then, what kind of people are you?

AANG: Just... people.

CHONG: Aren't we all, brother?

SOKKA: Who are you?!

CHONG: I'm Chong, and this is my wife, Lily. We're nomads, happy to go wherever the wind takes us! (Singing As He Strums Lyre)

AANG: You guys are nomads? That's great! I'm a nomad!

CHONG: Hey, me too.

AANG: I know. You just said that.

The nomads joined the children at their campsite. Lilly braided Appa's fur as well as Katara's hair, while Aang sat alongside Chong. Sokka, however, was growing impatient.

AANG: Hey, Sokka, you should hear some of these stories. These guys have been everywhere!

CHONG: Well, not everywhere, Little Arrowhead. But where we haven't been, we've heard about through stories and songs.

SOKKA: Look, I hate to be the wet blanket here, but we need to get to Omashu.

CHONG: There's an old story about a secret pass right through the mountains.

KATARA: Is this real or a legend?

CHONG: Oh, it's a real legend. And it's as old as earthbending itself.

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