{Ryujin} - you're the sixth member of ITZY and pass out on stage

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You squeezed your eyes shut as the room began to spin once more. The laughter coming from your best friends, and bandmates, came from all around you.

They were loud, that familiar rush of excitement about getting back on stage to perform again tonight for the thousands upon thousands of fans waiting for the six members of ITZY that they adore so much and you adore right back always brings you all a feeling like no other.

They quickly noticed that you were missing from the usual things you do as a group before you go out on stage. They looked all around and found you still sat on the sofa.

"Y/N? What are you doing over there? We have to go on stage in a few minutes!" Yuna said excitedly as they all came to your side.

"I know." You said, a shaky breath falling from your lips as you opened your eyes.

You were met with worried looks from your bandmates. They all frowned upon seeing the sweat on your forehead. You haven't even begun performing yet and you're already feeling wiped, that much they could see.

"What's wrong, y/n?" Yeji asked. "You don't look like you're feeling well."

"I'm fine." You said and tried to shake it off, but they all saw right through you.

Lia placed her hand on your forehead and she shook her head as she looked at the girls.

"She feels warm."

"I'm fine, truly." You said. "I just didn't get much sleep. I think it's catching up to me, that's all."

They all knew better than that. But they couldn't push the topic anymore, because your manager burst through the door a second later.

"Girls? It's time to head to the stage. You're on in five."

The girls all left, but Ryujin stayed behind with you. Her eyes were set on you, her gaze full of worry. While they were all concerned for you, Ryujin feels the most worried of all.

There's always been something between the two of you, from the moment you met as trainees and got into the band. You've never spoken on it, mostly because it's more complicated than ever before.

But it always comes out in moments like these. When something is wrong. Whether it's emotionally, physically, or mentally. All of the girls care so much for you. You're as close as can be.

But Ryujin cares for you the most, going out of her way to always make sure you're okay.

So knowing something was wrong really worried her.

"Y/N?" She spoke softly and you looked at her with tired eyes. "You seriously don't look like you're feeling okay. Maybe we should tell someone and get you to sit this show out."

"No!" You quickly said. "No, I have to go. The fans are here to see all six of us. I don't want to let them down."

She wanted to tell you that you never could. She knows how loved you are. All six of you are adored by each and every midzy.

But she couldn't get the words out. Because you stood up and the room spun again and your knees gave out instantly.

She caught you before you could even hit the ground.

"You can't go on stage-"

"I'm going." You said sternly. "I have to. I'll be fine."

Ryujin wanted to protest. She wanted to argue and tell you to be sensible. But she knows the feeling of not wanting to let the fans you love so much down. So she just sighed and helped you down the hall to the stage.

"Good luck tonight!" Some of the crew said as you all stepped on stage one by one. You took a deep breath, going out before Ryujin, who was the last to walk out.

The loud and excited screams from the fans filled your ears. Usually, you'd feel a rush of adrenaline that you can't compare anything to. But tonight, you only felt run down and ill.

You made it through the first couple of songs no problem. You were sweating more than usual but you tried to push through it. You tried to keep that smile on your face so you wouldn't worry the fans or the girls.

You made it through in the morning, icy, and not shy. But as wannabe started, you began to feel even worse than before.

Everything was spinning. Everything was blurry. You felt nauseous and hot.

Before you knew it, you felt weak and passed out.

Ryujin caught you and gently laid you down on the stage. You heard the reactions from the fans and the girls before everything went black.

"Y/N? Y/N?" Ryujin spoke frantically.

"We need help!" Chaeryeong yelled and soon, medics were rushing on stage and carrying you off to take you backstage.

The girls had no choice but to continue. However, Ryujin felt so overwhelmed that she physically couldn't and rushed backstage to you without a word.

The girls were just as worried but they had no other choice but to try to keep the show going somehow. They felt a little more at ease, knowing that Ryujin was right there with you.

"Is she okay?" Ryujin asked the medics as she rushed to your side.

"She will be. She's awake but she's too hot. We're trying to cool her down."

They put some ice on you and tried to fan you off as you kept your heavy eyes open and took some deep breaths. You've never felt so hot before or so miserable.

But you felt a little comfort as Ryujin took your hand into hers.

"You're going to be okay, y/n. I'm here with you."

You managed to find the strength to crack a small smile and squeeze her hand a little.

"You should go back on stage."

"I'm not leaving your side." She said as she brushed her hand along your warm, damp cheek. "I'm staying right here with you."

You just nodded. You didn't have it in you to argue.

Because as much as you love the fans and want to perform, you know you can't tonight and if you can't, at least you've got Ryujin by your side to help you through it.

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