{Winter} - she gets jealous - aespa fifth member

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"What an amazing night!" NingNing grinned as the five of you made your way backstage. "That was so much fun!"

"It was amazing." Karina happily agreed.

In her hands is one award that you all won tonight while Giselle holds the other.

Tonight is the Asia Artist Awards and aespa won huge so the five of you are on cloud nine.

The show just came to an end and a lot of artists are coming backstage now, causing a few people to bump into you as loud and excited voices filled your ears.

However, a tap on your arm caused you to look away from your members and you saw Ryujin standing there.

"Hey, Ryujin!" You cheerfully spoke.

"Hey," She smiled. "Congratulations to you and your members on such an amazing night. Your performance was so good and aespa deserved those awards more than anyone else."

"Oh, thank you!" You grinned before tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.

The way she looked at you caused butterflies to fill your chest.

"So... are you doing anything tonight? Because I was thinking we could hang out if you wanted to." She suggested before biting her lip as she looked you up and down.

Your cheeks heated up and Ryujin noticed that you had gone shy as she flirted with you.

Meanwhile, Winter was watching what was happening between you and Ryujin, and she didn't like what she saw.

Her jaw clenched angrily and Giselle chuckled before squeezing her friend's shoulder.

"This isn't the first person to flirt with Y/N tonight and every time, you get insanely jealous," Giselle said.

"I'm not jealous," Winter grumbled.

"That's a terrible lie." Karina joked. "Look, we all know you like Y/N more than a friend. Why don't you just tell her that?"

"Do you think I should?" Winter asked as she looked at the girls.

"Yes!" NingNing said. "Just tell her how you feel. Stop clenching your jaw and your fists and just do something about this jealousy!"

"Okay." Winter sighed before she came over to you, her hand gently falling against your back.

"Oh, hey, Winter," You said as you looked away from Ryujin. "What's up?"

"Sorry, Ryujin. Y/N's taken."

"Oh, she is?" Ryujin asked as she furrowed her eyebrows. "She didn't say that."

"Well, she is," Winter spoke before clenching her jaw. "Come on, Y/N,"

"Wait, Winter," You giggled as she gently grabbed your hand and pulled you across the room. "Why'd you do that? I'm not taken."

"You should be!" She quickly replied before letting your hand go. "I don't like seeing people flirt with you like that."

"I see what's going on." You said, biting your lip. "You're jealous, aren't you?"

"Yes!" She confessed. "Yes, I'm jealous, okay? I've been trying to get the courage to ask you out and confess my feelings for you but it's been hard to do. And then I see Ryujin flirting with you! It bothered me."

"Winter," You sighed. "Why didn't you just say that? Why did it take you so long?"

"Because I was afraid to. We're friends. We're in the same group together. I was afraid you didn't feel the same and I would mess things up for good between us."

"You didn't, though." You said before stepping closer to her. "Because I feel the same way."

"You do?" She asked as her brown eyes went wide.

"Yes. I like you a lot. I was afraid to tell you for the same reason. I kinda gave up hope that I'd ever be with you so flirting with Ryujin seemed like a nice thing to do."

"Well, it wasn't. It drove me mad." She mumbled as she put her arms around you. "I don't want anyone flirting with my girl."

"Oh, so I'm your girl?" You wondered as your heart began to race in your chest.

"Yeah. You are. All mine, only mine."

You smiled and kissed the corners of her lips.

"I've always been yours." You whispered before pecking her lips softly.

"After making me so jealous I confessed my feelings for you, I think I should get more than just a quick peck, don't you?" She teased.

You laughed before giving her a soft kiss on her lips.

It was still short since so many people were around but it was longer than the peck you'd given her and it was perfect for Winter.

"Much better." She hummed against your lips. "Once we're alone tonight at the dorms, you're mine."

"Happily." You smiled and kissed her cheek softly before taking her hand and walking back to the girls.

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