{Minho} - the boys find out that you're dating - Stray Kids ninth member

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"Minho? Are you busy?" You spoke as you entered Felix's room in the dorm.

Minho was sitting on Felix's bed beside Hyunjin and Chan, who were all just hanging out and talking as Felix played some games.

But as soon as he heard your voice, Minho's full attention shifted to you.

He had been talking with Chan but excused himself from the conversation and got up to walk to the doorway, where you stood.

"Not at all. Is everything alright?" He asked, his brown eyes so soft as he stared into yours.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something. It's kinda important."

"Okay." He said before you both walked out of the room and down the hall to your room.

He stepped inside and you closed the door.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" He wondered, only for you to put your arms around him and shake your head.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." You answered before putting your lips on his.

He happily kissed you back, his soft lips moving against your own as he placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer.

"I just needed an excuse to get you all to myself for a few minutes because I feel like I haven't seen you all day." You explained.

He smiled against your lips before he walked over to your bed, gently pushing you down on it.

You pulled him down on top of you and put your arms around his neck, melting into him and how perfect he was, at least in your eyes.

You felt one of his hands move from your hips to slip under your shirt to brush his fingers across your skin.

And you tangled your fingers in his hair, unable to get enough of him.

"I missed you." You said as you pulled away from the kiss.

"I missed you too." He said and a smile pulled at his lips before he put them on your neck and began to give you soft, sweet kisses.

You put your head back against the pillows and let out soft sighs, letting his name leave your lips on occasion.

And the sound made his heart swell.

"I love hearing my name fall from your lips like that. You're so perfect." He whispered as he finally kissed that sweet spot on your neck.

You struggled to hold back due to the bliss that overwhelmed you over his lips on your skin.

But you didn't want to get caught, so you did your best.

He smiled at you as he pulled away from your neck and put his lips back on yours.

"I love you." You spoke softly as you had him lay on your bed, wanting to be the one to hover over him now.

He stared into your eyes adoringly and brushed his fingers across your cheek as he smiled happily.

"I love you too." He said and you kissed him again, making him hum against your lips as he pulled you closer.

You got so caught up in each other that you didn't hear the boys down the hall as they discussed dinner plans.

"Where's Y/N and Minho?" Seungmin wondered.

"She said she wanted to talk to him. They're probably just hanging out in her room." Hyunjin spoke.

Jisung opened your door a few seconds later and a gasp left his lips upon seeing you and Minho on your bed, making out.

"I think they're doing more than just hanging out..." He said in shock.

You pulled away from Minho and sat down next to him as you both tried to act as though nothing had happened.

But it was obvious.

Not just to Jisung, who had seen everything, but to the other boys who gathered around him and saw you two trying to act innocent.

"What happened?" Jeongin asked.

"They were making out," Jisung spoke.

"You could've kept it to yourself!" Minho said as he tossed one of your pillows at Jisung.

"Making out?" Chan questioned. "What's going on with you two? Are you just making out or are you more than that?"

You and Minho looked at each other before you moved into his arms and put your head on his shoulder.

"We're more than that. We're dating." You said.

"I had a feeling you were!" Changbin said. "I see how you two look at each other. You're in love." He grinned.

Neither of you tried to deny it.

Minho just smiled and pulled you closer.

"I know it's a little risky considering we're both part of Stray Kids and if anyone found out, they'd have a lot to say but... we love each other and we really care about each other," Minho said.

"How long have you been together?" Seungmin wondered.

"Almost four months." You said.

"Four months!?" Felix almost shouted. "And we're just now finding out?"

"We were trying to keep things private."

"But someone doesn't know how to knock!" Minho said before tossing another pillow at Jisung.

"Hey!" Jisung laughed.

"We just wanted to keep it to ourselves and be with each other for a while. We have thought about telling you guys many, many times, especially as things became more serious between us." You explained.

"But it was nice just having this to ourselves. We've given so much over the years to the world, everyone thinks they're entitled to something. I know you're all our friends but we just wanted to have this to ourselves for a while." Minho said as he kissed your head.

"We understand," Changbin said.

"And we support you." Chan smiled.

"Really?" You grinned.

"Of course!" Hyunjin said.

"We'll always support you both, no matter what," Jeongin spoke.

You kissed Minho's lips softly and he smiled as he pulled you back onto his lap, squeezing you tight.

"But we don't need any visuals," Jisung said.

"Deal with it. We're in love. Nothing you can do about it." Minho said as he kissed your head.

"Okay, lovebirds. Can we go get some food?" Changbin wondered. "I'm so hungry."

"Okay. We'll meet you out there in a second." You said.

The boys all walked away and you were immediately pulled in for another kiss by Minho.

"They're so happy for us." You said as he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.

"It's not surprising. No one loves or cares about us more than they do." Minho replied. "I love you and I'm happy I can show that to you, even in front of the boys."

"I love you too." You said before kissing him again. "Come on, handsome. Let's go get some food."

"As long as I can hold onto you, I'm happy to do anything tonight." He said as he kept his arm wrapped around you, both of you so in love and so happy that the boys supported you.

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