{Sana} - you're the fifth member of blackpink and she reads fanfiction of you

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"About an hour until showtime." Nayeon reminded the girls as she took a seat on the couch in the dressing room.

The girls are basically ready to go out on stage when it's time. They're dressed in their outfits and their hair and makeup are done. They're now just trying to pass the time by hanging out and keeping busy.

While everyone else attempted to occupy themselves by warming their vocals up and talking about the excitement they feel about performing for all the ONCEs in attendance, Sana was sitting on the sofa with her phone in her hands.

Her brown eyes traveled across her screen as she read the lines of the story, her teeth sinking into her lip as she began to get lost in the story she was reading.

She's tried to stop herself from doing that because she knows the girls can appear by her side at any given moment. But it's so hard to keep herself from getting caught up in what she's reading as every word is so well-written and so detailed that she finds herself melting over each and every word.

"Sana!" Chaeyoung grinned as she sat down right between her and Nayeon.

Sana jumped and shielded her phone out of Chaeyoung's view, which made her friend furrow her eyebrows in wonder.

"Everything okay? Why are you hiding your phone screen?"

"Oh, no reason. I was just doing something." She chuckled and put her phone down on her lap, screen down.

"Okay." Chaeyoung chuckled. "Are you excited for the show tonight?"

"Of course! I can't wait to see all the fans in the crowd and perform with you all." She smiled big and bright, genuinely meaning every word.

"Me too." Chaeyoung smiled. "I'm going to get some water. Do you want any?"

Sana shook her head, explaining that she already had a bottle on the table before Chaeyoung stood up and walked across the room.

Once she knew she was out of sight, she looked around at the other members. The only one close to her now was Nayeon but she was a good distance away and was caught up in her phone, too busy to see what Sana was up to.

Sana picked her phone back up and stared at the screen once more.

Her big brown eyes began to move once more as she soaked up each word she read like a sponge, so mesmerized by every word.

But suddenly, her eyes went wide when she saw the notification from her battery appear. It was running low, now on twenty percent.

She remembered that she'd left her charger back at the hotel and she groaned before looking around at the girls.

"Does anyone have a phone charger that I can use?"

"You can use mine. It's in my bag over there." Tzuyu smiled and Sana thanked her.

She set her phone down on the cushion. She wasn't even thinking about anyone looking at it and she thought she'd be back in just a heartbeat.

But Chaeyoung was super curious as to what Sana had been doing. Sana isn't ever very secretive and she never hides her phone out of view like she'd done just moments ago.

So Chaeyoung sat down and picked up Sana's phone when she saw that it was unlocked. She thought she might've just been on Twitter or some other social media and was just looking through different fan things and maybe she didn't want anyone else knowing.

But her eyes went wide when Chaeyoung saw that Sana was reading something. Something she never would've imagined she'd be reading.

Just before Sana had walked away, she closed out of the book she'd been reading and opened up another on the site with different fanfiction stories and the one she had loaded up and ready to begin reading were imagines of you.

This was especially surprising since you're part of Blackpink.

Chaeyoung that if any of the members were to ever read fanfiction for any reason, it'd be about that member or even ships of a couple different members.

She didn't think anyone would read about another group.

She couldn't help but smirk when Sana returned. She noticed her friends' eyes were wider than she's ever seen before.

"Chaeyoung, what are you doing?"

"What am I doing?"

The girls were all looking at them now, thinking for some reason they were having some sort of argument.

"What are you doing?" Chaeyoung asked with a smirk on her face.

"What's going on?" Jihyo asked.

"Nothing!" Sana quickly said.

But her words came out as quickly as Chaeyoung's and hers were much different than Sana's.

"No, it's not nothing. Sana is reading fanfiction!"

The girls all gasped in surprise.

"And it's not of her or any of us. It's of y/n, from blackpink."

They all stared at Sana and Chaeyoung and then at each other and then back at Sana before they started to giggle and tease her.

"Oh, Sana has a crush!" Jeongyeon teased as she walked to Sana, playfully tickling her sides.

"How cute!" Dahyun giggled. "Wait, Nayeon. Aren't you friends with Jennie?"

Sana's eyes got even wider over Dahyun's question to Nayeon.

"Maybe you should tell Jennie that someone has a crush on her bandmate."

"Maybe I should." Nayeon grinned.

"No, please, don't," Sana begged as she rushed to Nayeon. "I don't want her to know."

"Why?" Nayeon giggled. "Do you like her? Or are you just going to lie that you were curious or that you stumbled upon the story by happenstance?"

"But... I did."

The girls all looked at each other and shook their heads, knowing she was lying.

"Not good enough." Nayeon laughed.

"Yeah. Besides, Sana. If that was the case, why'd you download the app, create a profile and then fill your library of books about y/n?"

Sana groaned as she rushed back to Chaeyoung, taking her phone out of her friends' grip as the girls all continued to tease her.

"So, you do like her?" Mina asked.

"Yes. I'm pretty sure everyone does. She's gorgeous. I don't think I stand a chance."

"What? You're Sana Minatozaki! You stand a better chance than anyone else we know." Momo said. "You've gotta believe in yourself!"

"So, should I tell Jennie that you like y/n? See if she knows if y/n feels the same or not?"

Sana thought about it for a moment before nodding her head.

"But don't tell her that I read fanfiction of her." Sana pleaded.

"I make no promises," Nayeon said and Sana whined, making the girls giggle before they hugged her and then continued to tease her throughout the entire night.

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