{Minho} - squeeze my hands - part two- Stray Kids ninth member

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"Good job, baby." Minho encouraged as you kept taking deep breaths, whining from the pain while squeezing his hands tighter than ever. "I'm proud of you. You're doing amazing."

You exhaled shakily as the pain faded again.

"What time is it?"

"A little after nine." He said as he looked at the clock. "Do you need anything during this little break before the pain returns? Some water? Some ice?"

"A little ice, please."

He nodded and reached for the cup of ice on the table.

He put a few of the pieces on your tongue and you leaned against them, finding relief in your tongue no longer sticking to the roof of your mouth now.

"I hope it's almost over."

"It is. You heard the nurse. It's almost over, you don't have long to go." He said, reminding you of the nurse's words that were spoken just less than an hour ago.

Everything was so close together now that Minho wasn't surprised at all that less than a minute later, the pain was back.

"Oh, god, again already." You groaned.

"Shh," He comforted. "You're doing great, my love. Not much longer. Breathe for me, squeeze my hands tight."

You did as he said.

Until just a few seconds later when the pressure appeared, making you gasp.

"What? What is it, baby?" He worriedly asked.

You just looked at him and he knew exactly what was going on.

It was time.

You felt that urge, your baby was ready to enter the world.

He got up and pressed the button on the wall as he held you close.

"Breathe, baby." He said. "Just breathe."

With his help, after a few seconds, you were able to get up and move onto the bed, where you lay down.

Minho was right there with you, his hand wrapped tightly around your own as you squeezed your eyes shut.

Sweat rolled down your forehead and you felt him brush his other hand through your hair before he kissed your cheek.

"I'm nervous." You confessed as you opened your eyes to look at him.

"Don't be. I'm right here with you." He whispered as he moved his other hand to your leg, ready to hold it back. "We're having a baby." He smiled, making your heart flutter, even through the pain.

And even though you knew it wasn't going to be easy, you were both more than ready for this; ready for your baby to finally enter the world.

It took a while.

It took almost thirty minutes for your baby to finally enter the world.

The entire time, Minho whispered words of encouragement in your ear and watched in amazement as your baby slowly entered the world.

And when they were finally born, Minho couldn't help but smile through his tears when he heard them cry and watched them be placed on your chest.

"I can't believe it..." He said as he kissed your forehead. "I was right. We've got a little boy."

You were both in tears, unable to hold them back as the love and happiness overwhelmed you both.

Your son was calming down as you kissed his head.

Minho couldn't help but brush his fingers across the baby's back, trailing them down to his son's tiny little fingers.

And as he brushed his much bigger finger around his son's tiny ones, he gripped his finger, making Minho's lip tremble as more tears of joy and love filled his eyes and his heart almost burst.

"Hi, little man. I'm your dad and I'm so happy to meet you." He said as he kissed his head. "We've been waiting a long time to meet you. Welcome to the world."

You smiled brightly as you watched the precious sight.

Minho was right; it had all been so worth it.

Now that your son was in the world.

Minho moved and put his lips on yours, giving you the most loving kiss as a nurse snapped a photo of the precious moment, so you could both look back on it.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered with a bright smile. "I love you and our son so much."

"We love you too." You said as you both gazed at your son with pure love in your eyes, knowing that your lives were forever changed.

And in the best and most beautiful way.

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