{Yujin} - leader stresses - IVE seventh member

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You slipped out of bed when you heard the door to yours' and Yujin's room open.

It was almost three am and while you and the other members have been back at the dorm for hours now, Yujin has just arrived.

You have to be up in about four hours to go into practice again, as another busy day lies ahead for all of you.

But that worries you a little because you know that, although you're all exhausted, Yujin is under more pressure than all of you and she's lacking sleep due to her being stuck in meetings for the group over the last few days.

You turned on the light beside your bed and Yujin jumped.

"Hey." You said as you sat up.

"Hi. You need to go back to sleep." She said with a tired smile on her face.

You frowned as she came over to your bed and gave you a quick hug.

"Yujin, are you okay?"

She was taken aback by your question as she reached for the switch to turn off the light.

"Yeah. Of course." She said with a forced smile.

"Sit down."

You patted the spot beside you, wanting her to sit there so you could get her to open up to you.

She did as you asked, continuing to force smiles and look at you as though she couldn't understand why you were so concerned.

"Is everything okay?"


"Yujin, you can talk to me. I know you try to keep your emotions and stresses to yourself in fear that you'll worry us. But it's easy to tell that you're under a lot of stress; more than us."

She hung her head, letting out a shaky breath.

"I can't imagine how hard it is to be the leader of the group. The meetings you have to attend, the lack of sleep you get because of how much you have to do for us. The stresses, the pressure - you must feel it all."

She looked up at you as you laid your hand over hers.

Although she loves all of you very much, she's closest to you.

That's why you share a room - because your bond is unbreakable and you're as close as can be.

"Yujin, you've been here for me, for all of us, through the good and the bad. You let us cry on your shoulder and you cheer us up when we're down. You know we'll always do the same for you."

It was a few seconds of silence before she spoke.

"It just gets hard sometimes. You're right - the pressure is immense. I'm tired and my shoulders feel heavy due to the stress I'm under. But I'm trying to hold it together."

"But you don't have to hold it together all the time. That's why we're here. There are seven of us in this group. We've all got you, Yujin."

"Thank you." She smiled before throwing her arms around you, hugging you tightly.

"No need to thank me. I'm here for you. Is there any way that we can help relieve some of that stress that you're under? You know we will in a heartbeat."

"I know you all will." She said as she realized how incredibly lucky she was. "I'm not sure. I'd have to see. But just know that I appreciate all of you. Being the leader can be challenging sometimes but when I look at all of you, my best friends in the world, I know it's worth it."

That was heartwarming, to say the least.

"Sometimes, on camera, my smiles aren't always genuine. But when I'm with all of you, they always are. You make it all worth it. I know how lucky I am."

"We're here for you and we appreciate everything you do for us. Don't ever forget that." You said as you rubbed her shoulder in comfort.

"I won't. Can I have another hug?"

"You don't have to ask." You assured and let her hug you once more and this time, she held onto you even tighter. "Love you."

"Love you," she said as she continued to hug you. "A lot is coming up. It's going to be fun."

"I can't wait." You said. "We'll enjoy everything together - all seven of us."

"Yeah, we will." She smiled.

"Get some sleep. You need it."

She let you go and sat down on her bed.

Untying her hair from the ponytail, letting it flow down past her shoulders.

"Hey, Yujin,"

She looked at you, noticing that you were about to turn off the light, but not before you said what was on your mind.

"You're the best leader. Thank you for always looking out for us. Remember that we'll always look out for you too."

Her heart melted and another genuine smile tugged at her lips.

"Thanks, y/n."

You turned off the light and she laid down, closing her heavy eyes.

You grabbed your phone, sending a quick text to your manager, letting them know that you needed a couple of extra hours before you'd all come into practice tomorrow, so Yujin could get a little more rest.

To your surprise, they texted back right away, letting you know that it was fine as long as it was just a couple of extra hours.

You set your phone down and cracked a smile, happy that Yujin could get a little rest, which she needs and deserves.

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