{Winter} - fifth member of AESPA and you get hurt on stage

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You were in awe as you stared out at the fans in the crowd.

The arena you and the girls are performing in tonight is sold out, with thousands upon thousands of excited fans all packed in as they scream and cheer at the top of their lungs for the five of you.

It's such an amazing feeling and a beautiful sight, one that fills your heart with happiness and love.

Words won't ever be enough to express how thankful you feel for the opportunities you have to live out your dreams with your four best friends with so many people always rooting for you.

You just finished performing dreams come true and you're now moving on to iconic, which is one of your absolute favorite songs to perform.

You danced and sang along with the girls, enjoying every single second as the fans sang along and cheered loudly for you all.

However, when you prepared to perform your next verse, you were suddenly hit in the eye with something that a fan had tossed on stage.

You gasped and covered your eye as an intense sting followed.

Winter was the first to rush to your side and check on you.

"What happened?" She asked as the girls all stopped and came to your side as well.

"Someone threw something and it hit me in the eye." You whimpered from the pain you felt in your eye, so badly it was making you tear up.

"Let me see." She said and you put your hand down, uncovering your eye to let her and the girls see it.

It was red and bloodshot and your vision was blurred.

"You need to get checked out," Giselle said.

Winter rubbed your shoulder comfortingly as the pain and the sting intensified.

Looking out at the fans in disbelief, the girls were shocked as it sank in that a fan was careless enough to toss something on stage.

Though it may be exciting to do so, it imposed a very huge risk to you and the girls. It always does for any idol, for reasons like this.

"Guys," Winter said into her mic, staring out at the fans. "No throwing things on stage. Things like this happen. You have to be more careful. Please."

She was pleading and Karina elbowed her slightly, nodding to the stuffed bear that someone had tossed on stage.

"Y/N is going to have to sit out for a bit so she can get her eye checked," NingNing said. "Please be more careful. We want to be able to perform for you but we can only perform the entire show as long as we're all safe and you are as well. We can't take risks like this."

You felt terrible about having to go and sit some of the show out because you felt like you were letting the fans and the girls down.

It was only one careless fan that had caused this but it made a huge impact.

"Come on." Winter softly spoke as she walked backstage with you, her hand on the small of your back.

"Winter will be back and y/n might be sometime tonight as well. We have to make sure that she's okay first!" Karina said.

"Please make sure that she's okay," Winter said to the medic as she had you sit on the sofa, the medic coming over to look at you.

"I have to be. I have to go back out."

"Just take a minute. You have to do what's best for you too, y/n. From how hard that hit your eye, you could've been seriously hurt. Take a few minutes and see what happens with your eye. Everything's okay, just stay calm and let the medic check on you."

You sighed but agreed to do as she said.

"My vision is still blurry." You said.

"That doesn't surprise me. It looked as though you got hit hard." She said as she sent you a sad smile.

"Thanks for standing up for me though. I hope fans stop throwing things. It scares me." You said before wincing over the sting in your eye.

"It's no problem. It's not okay and they need to know that. We all need to be safe as we perform." She said before turning her head as the fans cheered as Giselle said they would start performing the next song on the setlist, which was I'll make you cry.

"I have to get back out there but if you feel up to it, you can come back out in a few minutes. Just make sure she's okay. Please." She pleaded with the medic and then rubbed your shoulder comfortingly as he started to look at your eye.

"I'll be out there soon." You said.

"Either way, y/n, we've got your back." She assured and gave you a quick but comforting hug before she rushed back on stage to continue the show, hoping that you'd be okay.

Because although they could manage to perform just as the four of them, it just wouldn't be the same without you.

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