{Dahyun} - you're the tenth member of twice and you're overworked

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"Are you okay, y/n? You don't look so good." Tzuyu said as you all stopped dancing to take a break for some water and a minute to catch your breath.

You didn't want any of the girls to notice how terrible you felt. There's so much coming up, so many important things to do and prepare for with the upcoming comeback.

You know they'd force you to take a step back and you can't risk that right now.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just hot and thirsty," you said as you panted to catch your breath, trying your very best to hide how dizzy and unsteady you felt.

You laid on the practice room floor. It was cool and it felt good against your warm, sticky skin.

You closed your eyes as sweat poured down your skin and you tried to catch your breath, although it was hard to do so.

You could feel their eyes on you. You didn't have to open yours to see the look of worry on your nine best friend's faces.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and opened your heavy eyes to find Dahyun knelt on the floor next to you.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine. Totally fine." You said as you took in a shaky breath.

You slowly sat up and when you did, the room began to spin.

You put your hand on your head and closed your eyes with a groan.

"What is it?" Dahyun whispered as she put her hand on your shoulder in comfort.

She frowned when she felt how hot your skin was.

It's nothing new or unusual to be hot and sweaty in dance practice. With comebacks happening so often, you all feel that way from time to time.

But this felt different and it wasn't just Dahyun who noticed that, but all eight other members, too.

"Just take it easy." She said as she gently squeezed your shoulder, causing you to wince since your body ached a lot.

"I'm okay." You said.

"Y/N, Dahyun, we've got to get back to practice. Are you sure you're okay, y/n?" Jihyo said as she sat on the floor in front of you.

You all look out for each other.

But with Jihyo being the leader, she tends to look out for everyone a little more.

"I'm sure. I'm ready." You said before gulping down some cold water.

You weren't trying to just convince them that you were okay. But more so yourself. Because you felt far from okay.

But how can you say that? The comeback is so close. The girls are counting on you. JYP is counting on you. The fans are counting on you.

You couldn't risk letting anyone down.

You stood up but you felt like you were going to fall back down right away.

"Hey, hey," Dahyun said I'm sorry, her arms instantly wrapped around you to keep you steady.

"She okay?" Momo asked as the girls made their way to you.

"I'm fine," you said, only for your knees to buckle and almost pass out in her arms.

"Whoa, y/n!" Nayeon said, her hand on your back.

Dahyun gently laid you on the floor while Sana rushed out of the room to get some staff to look you over.

Once they looked you over, they assured you and the girls you were okay.

However, they confirmed you're overworked and overwhelmed.

You fainted due to your lack of sleep and the fact that you haven't been eating much because you've been working so hard.

While all of you work hard, it seems that the stress and pressure have caught up to you the most.

"You have to rest. Go home and rest. Dahyun, you go with her." Jihyo said.

Dahyun nodded before grabbing your things and putting her arms around you to walk out of practice and into the car.

She got you home and got you some water before helping you to bed.

"Can you lay with me?"

She smiled big and bright before nodding her head and laying down beside you.

"Why didn't you say you felt so overworked?"

"It's complicated." You said and Dahyun shook her head.

"It's not. Talk to me. You know you always can."

"There's just a lot of pressure." You whispered. "I didn't want to let anyone down. Everyone counts on me."

"Y/N, people count on you but they know you're just a human at the end of the day. You can't keep pushing yourself so much. There are ten of us in the group. We have each other's backs through the good and bad. We're close like that. You can always turn to us, especially me."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She smiled as she stroked your cheek. "Get some sleep. Jihyo's orders." She chuckled.

"You won't leave?"

"I'm not going anywhere." She assured and felt her heart flutter when you took her hand into yours and closed your eyes, falling asleep as she hummed quietly.

She couldn't help but stare as you drifted off to sleep. Her heart felt warm and full of love as those feelings she has for you flooded over her more than ever.

She shouldn't feel this way for you.

She knows that.

But she loves you anyway, swearing that you're the most beautiful thing she's ever laid her eyes on.

It said a lot, because, over the years, she's seen a lot of pretty views.

But she swears you're the one that takes her breath away the most.

She didn't worry about falling asleep. Not right now. Although she will sooner or later.

She'll fall asleep right next to you.

But for now, she's happy and content just laying there by your side, listening to you breathe and watching you sleep.

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