{Ryeji} - you feel left out

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Standing on the set of the Cheshire video, you and Lia were making jokes and laughing around as the six of you took a short break.

Ryujin was sitting down and you wanted to walk over to her and steal a kiss from her lips and then Yeji's.

But you knew it was a bad idea since the cameras were still on.

"Yeji," Ryujin spoke, catching her attention. "Why don't you come sit on my lap?"

You watched as Yeji's eyes lit up with happiness before she went over and took a seat on Ryujin's lap.

Yeji wrapped her arms around Ryujin and you watched Ryujin put her hand on Yeji's lap.

They seemed so close and so happy while you stood there with sadness in your eyes.

You couldn't deny it; you felt very left out.

The three of you have been dating for a few months now and until today, you've never made each other feel excluded in any way.

It felt awkward to stand there and watch them cuddle each other and you could practically feel your heart shatter over the sight.

Sensing that you felt excluded and down, the girls were quick to comfort you.

"It's okay, Y/N," Chaeryeong whispered as she squeezed your shoulder comfortingly.

Yuna was quick to give you a big hug as you tried to find anywhere else to look beside your girlfriends looking so cozy with each other.

"Let's just finish everything else we have to do today, okay? And then we can all go back to the dorm and the three of you can talk this out." Lia spoke.

You nodded in agreement before you walked back over to your spot.

Yeji got off Ryujin's lap as the five of them joined you, taking their positions.

Yeji sent you a smile but you didn't return it.

You just looked away with a frown, making her and Ryujin share a confused expression.

You spent the next little while filming the rest of the scene before everyone decided that it was getting late and time to call it a day.

You spent the ride back to the dorm in silence, ignoring your girlfriends' glances and touches.

You even put in your headphones to block out their voices when they'd ask you what was wrong.

Once you all arrived at the dorm, you hurried up to your room, which you shared with Lia.

"Lia?" Ryujin said, making you both look toward the door.

You saw your girlfriends standing there, looking worried.

"Can we be alone with Y/N for a few minutes and talk to her? Please?" Ryujin asked.

"Yeah," Lia said before she gave you a squeeze on your shoulder.

She got up and left the room as Yeji and Ryujin walked in.

"What's going on, baby? You seem a little distant today." Yeji said.

You just stayed quiet.

"Why won't you talk to us? What's the matter?" Ryujin asked as she put her hand on your thigh.

"You were sitting on Ryujin's lap earlier with your arms around her. You looked so comfortable and I was just... standing there."

Ryujin and Yeji looked at each other in sadness as it clicked.

"Throughout the months we've been together, I've always tried to make sure none of us feel excluded but I just felt left out today."

"Y/N, we're truly sorry."

"Yeah, we never meant to leave you out, baby. We feel the same way, we'd never purposely leave you or each other out." Yeji spoke.

"It's just hard because we're not public yet so we can't all show affection to each other and the fans love the two of you together. I know you do a lot of fan service but... I just felt left out. I just watched you two be cozy with each other while the girls tried to comfort me."

"We didn't mean to and we promise it'll never happen again. Trust us, Y/N, we would never want you to feel this way. We never want you to be sad." Ryujin said as she caressed your cheek softly.

"We love you a lot. We'll make it all better, okay? We'll spoil you with cuddles tonight... if you'll forgive us." Yeji said with a little smile.

You looked at her and Ryujin before nodding.

"I know you didn't do it intentionally. I forgive you both."

"We'll never leave you out again, baby. Promise." Ryujin said.

"Now, let us see that pretty smile."

You forced a smile, only for them to shake their heads.

"Nope. Not good enough." Ryujin said.

She and Yeji gently pushed you onto your back before they began to tickle you, causing loud and infectious laughter to leave your lips.

"There it is. There's that beautiful smile." Yeji said.

She laid down on your left while Ryujin laid down on your right and then, they wrapped you in their arms and held you close.

"We're truly sorry." Yeji softly spoke.

"And we love you so much," Ryujin said.

"I love you both too." You said with a little smile, making their eyes light up and sparkle.

They'd definitely make sure that this never happened again.

Because all they ever want is to you smile and they'd do anything to make sure you're always doing just that.

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