Chapter 1: Elie Liberalo

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[This next letter is written in Italian, it is translated to English for the readers:]

I told you Gilbert, don't mess with my men. You will pay for all the men I lost. I assure you, I will take the most precious thing you ever have. You know me and you know I show no mercy to anyone. I will kill you one day.
~Elie Liberalo

Gilbert Espada, sitting in his big fancy black chair, in a huge office, laughing as he was reading the notice he just received from his nemesis. "Do you believe him? He is trying to scare me." He laughed. People were surrounding him.

He was a well dressed man, a beautiful black suit. A gold Rolex on his wrist, a moustache under his nose and wearing some glasses. Beside him was a young man pouring some whiskey in his cup. People similar to him were surrounding him, talking to him, and laughing with him.

One of his guest cleared his throat and said "Gilbert, you are talking about Elie Liberalo. He is growing stronger than ever.  He has some next level security system. New weapons-..." Gilbert laughed and replied "Oh Alfredo.....if you are suggesting that I should be scared of him, you are wrong old friend. A young lad as himself can't compete with me. What is he? 24 years old?" He rolled his eyes while drinking his whiskey.

"Who is he to threat me? Am I some kind of coward to be scared of a young man who doesn't know anything about business. Poor boy, pathetic like his father. I still remember how I killed his old man. One shot.... The bullet went through his brain and out." He laughed along with his colleagues and added "I sent all his body parts for one by one, each day to a family member."

Alfredo was still not happy with the situation. "The boy is dangerous Gilbert." He stood up angrily and grabbed his coat while walking to the door. He opened it and looked behind him saying "don't come running to me when he hurts you. Mark my words Espada, he won't sleep until he kills you." And left while shutting the door brutally.

The room went quiet all of the sudden. Everyone turned to their mafia leader, who was sitting back at his chair, looking at the door whit his hands crossed to each other. "Sir?" "Tell me gentlemen! Should I really be scared of him?" His entourage were looking at each other confused. People were siding with Alfredo's opinion and people were complimenting their leader and reminding him how much he achieved. While other were warning him to be careful.

"Pathetic! Like I said: he is just like his father, this old hag couldn't even hold a gun properly. I am not afraid of a boy." He snapped his finger angrily, ordering his servant to refill his glass.

A tall handsome man, 24 years old, tattoos all over his body, wearing a slim suit and a silver Rolex on his wrist. He was looking through the window, watching his men walking around his mansion for any intruder.

He was not happy, he was mad and angry. The expression on his face show hatred and his eyes were burning from anger. He is know as "il figlio di satana" (Satan's son) . His name is Elie Liberalo. He walked to his office and laid back on his chair while opening his drawer.

He took from it a gun and reloaded it. He was staring at it, examining every corner of it. He put it back and slammed the drawer. He was the mafia boss of his own mafia that is called gente dell'inferno (people of hell).

All Italy know about him, his bad reputation made everyone terrified of him. An orphan raised with a cold father who taught him everything about being a mafia, that was killed by his enemy Gilbert Espada.

Elie Liberalo is a ghoul. He is the most cold of cold. His soul remortgaged so many times that Satan in almost eternal bondage. He is a demon. No exception. Satan owns him. He gets rich from suffering from death, from inhuman acts of depravity. No amount or money can cover that stench. He is neither "God", nor "Father" and thus only twisted society could call him a contraction of the two.

He was pleased that people feared his name. He knew he was powerful. But he had one thing on his mind is to kill Gilbert Espada.

As he was deep in his thoughts, someone knocked on his office door. "Accedere (Enter)" he said. The door opened. A man, holding some papers in his hand, came walking to him. "Elie i found what you are looking for." A smile formed on his face. "Giovanni I always knew I could trust you with anything old friend."

Giovanny placed the papers on his table "he have a daughter. Gathered all her information. Vanessa Espada, 21 years old. Born in 2nd of September 2000. She usually doesn't go out, but the only time she gets out is going to the mall. She is surrounded by 5 men (armed of course) Daughter of Gilbert Espada second wife Amarilla Espada, unfortunately she died while giving birth to her daughter."

Elie was rubbing his jawline while reading all the information. His eyes went to a picture of the girl. He took it and examined it. A smirk formed on his face and he said to his friend "Bring her to me." Giovanni smiled and nodded. He took his phone and said "new mission! Kidnap Vanessa Espada."

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