Chapter 12: Failed Ceremony

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[Got Covid!! Now 10 days not going out. I might kill myself. Wish me luck.... And ENJOY CHAPTER 12]

The day of the wedding came, Vanessa was wearing her bridesmaid black dress, helping Yara to put on her dress. Yara had puffy eyes, it looked like she was crying all night. Vanessa started fixing her hair. "Yara...."

"I'm fine Vanessa..... I just didn't imagine my wedding day was supposed to be like this." She hid her face and burst into tears. Someone knocked at the door, Vanessa opened the door "where is Elie?" Asked Yara's father entering the room.

He looked at his daughter and smiled "come on dear. Wipe your tears.... It's your wedding day, be joyful my child..." "SHUT UP LORENZO. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU ANYMORE! ALL YOU CARE IS ABOUT YOURSELF AND THE BUSINESS. DONT YOU REMEMBER YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER THAT LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD?!"

Her father stood up, shocked and speechless. He turn his back and walked out of the room. "WHERE IS ELIE?! WASNT HE THE ONE WHO AGREED WITH THIS MARRIAGE TOO?!!" Vanessa calmed her down, fixing her makeup once again.

As the bride entry song started, Yara enter the aisle holding her beautiful white orchid bouquet. As everyone were turning to see the beautiful soon-to-be wife coming down the aisle. As Antonio was standing near the priest, looking at his bride, Vanessa on the other side was sure that Elie will stop the wedding 'he won't let his cousin marry? I'm sure he will come and stop this nonsense.' She thought.

The wedding was held outdoor, in a beautiful garden, decorated with white flowers and white ribbons. The entry start with a road in a Forrest, and the chairs are placed, left and right equally, in their back, there's a white ribbon. As the guest took their seat, they wait along side with the groom and the bridesmaid for the beautiful bride to come.

Yara stood in front of Vanessa, Handing her the bouquet. She held Antonio's two hands and looked at the priest. "We are now here to unite these two lovers.... Now does anyone has any objections." There was only silence. Yara let lose of a tear. All she wanted right now is Alessandro by her side telling her everything is going to be okay.

The priest continued "now let's start with the vows...." He looks at the groom "you can say your vows." Antonio cleared his throat "I, Antonio DePapel, take you Yara Liberalo, to be my wife, I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, I will love you and honor you all the days of my life"

Another tear dropped on the floor by Yara. She was trembling, praying for someone to object or her father to stop the wedding. "Miss Liberalo... it's your turn." Yara took a deep breath "I, Yara Liberalo, take-...."

All of the sudden the wedding was interrupted by a car park at the start of the aisle. Elie came out of it, holding his gun in the air, shoot two bullets. All the guests ducked down the stairs. Antonio looked shocked. "ELIE LIBERALO!" Shouted his uncle.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! DO YOU STILL WANT TO GET MARRIED?!" Shouted Elie. Alessandro came out of the car, revealing himself "you really thought mi amore I would leave you after you gave me a second chance?" Yara teared up and grabbed Vanessa's arm and rushed to them.

She jumped between Alessandro's arms and kissed him passionately. Elie shouted "NOW KISS INSIDE THE CAR WE NEED TO GO BEFORE-....." Antonio's men started to shoot at them. Elie grabbed Vanessa's arm and they all went to the car.

Elie stepped on the gas and the car went speeding, escaping from the gunshots. "H-how did you find out?" Asked Yara. "I already had a feeling that you two where having something. Yara.... I'm your cousin. I know you."

Yara kissed her cousin's cheeks. Alessandro grabbed her neck and pulled her for a kiss. Their foreheads were pinned as they look at each other's eyes "I know I'm a jerk.... I shouldn't have left you like I did." Yara kissed him again "at least you are here now."

Vanessa who was sitting in the passenger seat next to Elie, looked at him and smiled "I thought you will never show up." He looked at her then to the road "I surprise you, don't I?" She stared at him . She giggled "for someone that's scary, yes you are full of surprises."

"What will happen if papa came?" Asked Yara worried. "Dont worry about that. I'll deal with him. As they all went back home and Yara took off her heavy dress.

Elie was busy handing gun to Alessandro "take it. In case something is going down." He turned to Vanessa, handing a gun to her as well "here you go." Vanessa looked at him worried "I-I d-don't know how to use it."

The front door burst open, the boys put the girls behind them while pointing the gun to the person who is going to enter the living room "ELIE! YARA!" Lorenzo shouted.

"WHAT WILL YOUR FATHER SAY IF HE SAW YOU ACTING THIS WAY TODAY!" Elie scoffed "I had to do the right thing. I don't care if it's about business, but I won't let the mafia take away my principessa freedom."

"This marriage is a marriage between two people who love-..." "I DONT LOVE HIM PAPA!" Cried Yara. "Have you ever thought what's best for me?! It's all about business..... business..... business..... don't you remember that I am your daughter?"

"Mi cara.... You love Antonio...." "No I don't! You have been so distance from me that you don't even know anything about your own daughter." Lorenzo walked to his daughter "It's not about business la mia piccola rosa , look.... I lost your mother once, I won't lose her again.... You will never know how much you look like her. I have faith that Antonio will protect you more than I can."

"But papa.... So can Alessandro." "Alessandro?" Asked her father confused. Alessandro came and stood next to Yara, holding her waist "Signore, I love your daughter more than anything in this world, I will protect her from anything even if it cost my life. And I don't have any problem combining my mafia with yours if it means this marriage is about business too. And I have clubs and hotels even restaurants."

Lorenzo saw his daughter laying her head on Alessandro's chest, in his eyes he saw how his daughter felt so protected. He looked at her softly and replied "forget about business ragazzo , I trust you with my daughter bene?"

Yara looked at her father and for the first time she rushed and wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a warm hug. Even tho it took him by surprise, but he couldn't help but hug her back.

A smile drew on Elie's face. He turned to see Vanessa smiling as well "you seem more excited than I am Miss Espada." He said. She looked at him happy "at least she finally have her little happy ending.... Thank you for making things right at the end." He smiled at her than look back.
1220 Words

•principessa: princess
•mi cara: my dear
•la mia piccola rosa: my little rose
•Signore: sir
•ragazzo: boy
•Bene: alright

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