Chapter 32: Backstory (part 10)

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[my fyp on tiktok are unholy]

After his father's death, everything was left for Alessandro. The 4 houses, all the hotels and clubs and restaurants his father used to own, and the cars, and most importantly the mafia business. And now he was the third most dangerous mafia to ever exist. Everyone feared him, and it become his passion to be a monster. He liked it and he enjoyed it every second. The connection he hoped to come back was with Yara. But he didn't see her and when he would be at her house, she wouldn't be downstairs or she was out.

One day, elie ordered Yara to come. She walked to his office, not even looking at Alessandro. She sat comfortably, her arms crossed. "Something is going down tonight." He rotated his computer revealing a man "he stole from us more than 3 million dollars. And that bastard have many securities." "Alright and why am I here?" Asked Yara with a sarcastic tone.

Elie smirked "we're going to catch him tonight, in a strip club." Alessandro scoffed "man if you want to go to the strip club you can go. No one will be judging you." "There's no time to be damn funny Alessandro." Roared Elie. He earned a sigh. "Okay what's the plan." He leaned on his desk, his fingers tangled to each other "we need you two to go as under cover. I need him dead." Yara throw her head back and laughed "real sweet! But I'm not working with Garcia here. No way."  Elie glared at her and yet she kept the eye contact for long. Alessandro saw this new side of her and he was impressed. She isn't scared of him anymore.

"Yes you will. Alessandro, you're a rich man, who wants to enjoy his time. And you Yara, you're a lap dancer." Alessandro snorted and burst out laughing. "WHAT?!" Elie smiled. As she saw Alessandro laughing, she added "thinking about it. I don't think giving a sexy man some lap dance there would be a problem." Ale glared at her "this sexy man you're dreaming off is behind you." "Yeah like I would ever give you a lap dance." Elie replied "I won't let you lap dance on some stranger! But I trust Alessandro."

She mumbled "only if you knew what he did to me..." Alessandro looked at her and smirked "you'll enjoy it." He then whispered "it's not like it will be the first time you will do it, right?" She glared at him. "Tonight. 9:30 pm in the Clusio Club. I will be waiting for you guys outside." Elie walked out of his office leaving them both alone. "Yeah act like you hate the idea." She clenched her jaw "what did you say to your friends about me?!" He laughed "nothing." "Yeah damn it if I believe you!" He got defensive "i just told them to not even look at you. What's mine is mine!"

"WHAT IF ELIE KNEW ABOUT THAT?!" He stood up, and walked where she sit. He lifted her chin with his finger and looked at her down "I don't care. I will tell him everything." He run his thumbs over her lips, patting them apart. "Everything.... How it first started... where did these lips were wrapping around... what I used to do to you.... Every single most disgusting detail." Yara turned red as memories came flashing. He smirked "cat got your Tongue?" He let go of her and walked out.


Alessandro just settled himself in a comfortable sofa, looking around seeing strippers pole dancing. He looked at his watch and there was no sight of  Yara. He ordered for himself some whiskey and was comfortable looking at the pole dancer, but there was one view he was glad to see, the sight of Yara wearing a tiny dress on her and heels. She slowly walked to him as he stared at her, his elbows on his knees resting and a cup of whiskey in his hand, eyes full of lush and hunger. And as she moved closer to him he sat back parting his legs and giving access to her. "Come darling." She was pissed, giving a lap dance to her ex wasnt something she would enjoy to do on a Friday night.

She was slowly moving her hips at the beat of the song, swaying her hair, running her fingers through his. "Oh just wait so I'm done with you so I would shoot you!" He grabbed her waist and pulled her down so now she was siting on his lap "I Dare You." She looked at him, and fire was burning in his eyes. She knew what he was thinking about. What he wants to do now? Her. His hand slowly went down to her ass, then up her back. He whispered "target found." She turned her head slowly and saw the man.

They were both still looking at each other when he slowly tried to reach her lips, but she pushed herself slowly away. "No." "Yes." He groaned. His hands was moving slowly through her arms "god you're so beautiful." He groaned again. His hands were suddenly on her thigh. Rubbing it. "I need you right now." And Yara was fully charmed by his muscles, by the look he gave her, how the way he looked at her never changed. She slowly leaned to meet his lips when.... "I let you touch my sister for the mission Alessandro! Back off!" A voice in both of their ears rang. "Im seeing you through the cameras.Back away from each other!"

Alessandro sighed, and clicked on the micro bottom in his listener ears and replied "I know man. But people are getting suspicious." Yara looked at Ale with lips trembling. "Yara. I Need you." "It's not the good time to talk about this" he sigh. He chuckled under his breath "no. Literally I need you. You better watch out on how you turn me on next time." She looked down at his pants, red cheeks flushing and now she's blushing so much as she felt lust in his eyes. "Target killed. Mission completed. Required to head back to headquarters immediately." Yara stood up and walked away followed by Alessandro.

As they head back to Elie's office, both Alessandro and Yara were sitting next to each other. Alessandro sipping his whiskey, Yara waiting for her cousin. No word have been said to each other. Elie enter his office with papers in his hand "mission completed lady and gentleman." They looked at him settling himself on his chair. "It was leaked that we were there." Yara and Ale looked at each other worried. "But it was an advantage for us. Target, went outside scared of his life not realizing one of our highly trained snipers was waiting for him. One shot bullet in his brain." Ale smirked "attaboy! Mission completed dude." They both shared a man handshake.

"Great job Yara." Elie smiled. She nodded smiling back. "Now Yara can you leave us alone? You can go back to your room." She stood up, flipping her hair away from her shoulder, walking out of the room letting her high heels echo. After she left, elie leaned on the desk, fingers tangled to each other "now. Explain what happened between you and my cousin in this damn club." Alessandro looked deadly in Elie's eyes. "Nothing man." Elie rolled his eyes "nothing?! You both were acting so strange with each other.... It's like..." he had a hard time to catch words "what? Attracted to each other?!" Confessed Alessandro.

"Yeah!" Elie replied unbelievably. "Hey hey man! My cousin is off limits! You can take my girlfriend as long as you want but not her!" "You don't have a girlfriend Elie!" Elie glared "did you listen what I just said. Yara is off limits." Alessandro leaned back on his chair "besides you're overreacting. I'm not attracted to your cousin. She's like any normal girl. She means nothing to me but Elie's cousin, if that makes you feel better." Elie sighed "that's what I want to hear." Ale lifted his two hands innocently "and that's what I'm telling you."

"There's no sign of any attraction?" Ale stayed quiet. "Damn yes there is. Your cousin is a beautiful girl, and she gave me a lap danse at YOUR request! Imagine if I don't get attracted to her. What am I a robot?" Elie replied "alright. Shut up about my cousin for now. If you want go to your room change and then meet me downstairs for a bottle of beer or two." "I'm staying in?" "It's late dude. I won't let you drive back home." Alessandro smirked and nodded.

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