Chapter 35: Backstory (part 13)

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[Read chapter 6 to know better about the previous actions that happened between the two]

Alessandro followed Yara to her room. She dropped on the edge of the bed and sighed. "Dio Mio..." she said hiding her face. "I'm a fool, keep on coming back to you..." He walked towards her lifting her chin so she would meet his gaze "so that makes me a fool too, because wherever I go, wherever I look, it's you that I see. In a room full of people, I would chose you. It's you that matters. It's always been you Yara." He knelt on both of his legs, putting both of his hands on my knee. She smiled. "I'm sorry about.... Not believing you earlier." He leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose. "I'm sorry I keep leaving you this way... I know it's messed up but it's how I'm forced to act my love. But now that you finally agreed to be with me. There's no running away from me. I'm sticking by you."

She leaned closer, cupped his face with one hand, and squeezed his cheeks together and kissed them. "How bad are you thinking of ripping my clothes off?" A smirked appear on his face. "Deadly bad." He respond with a husky voice. She grabbed his tie and pulled it towards her, making both of their lips smash. She kissed passionately. He found himself sinking slowly. She mesmerized him, he knew that, because he keeps peaking at her and with increase the hunger he have to her. He pulled her by the legs, making her wrap them around his torso. And laid himself on the bed with her on top of him.

He kissed her slowly, teasingly, charmingly.... One hand tucked in her hair, the other holding onto her hips. Her hands slowly went to his tie, and in a second she threw it on the floor. Her fingers started to unbutton his shirt, button after the other, and as she reached the last one, she snatched open the both ends of the shirt from each other revealing his chest. She took a breath from the kiss and as she was about to start with his neck. Her eyes fixed on her worst nightmare. She gasped clapping her hands to her mouth. Scars... a huge scar cutting his left chest into a diagonal form ligne. And few scratches on the right chest.  Those weren't the last time she saw him shirtless. Those are new and she knew it.

She looked at him worried, avoiding any other emotion involved so she won't burst into tears. He slowly started to straight his back, so now she was sitting on his lap, her legs still wrapping him, he looked at her guilty and tried to smile "Yara..." she shook her head "n-no... I beg you. Don't... don't tell me what happened... I can't bare it. That's why you went missing for two weeks?" He cupped her face with both of his hands and answered "after that night, when Espada invaded one of our training areas and killed our men. I was assigned to go and negotiate calmly. Ending the war, and I suggested it and I volunteered it."

She glared "negotiate?! Why?! We never do negotiations! Not with Espada! Not ever! HE KILLED MY UNCLE!" He looked at her deeply in the eyes "we didn't want him to kill you too. Or I didn't want YOU to end up like your uncle." She turned her face and wiped her tears "elie lost his father and mother Yara. He can't lose you too.... " she turned to him "h-he d-did this to you? Gilbert did that?! W-why..." "that's how he is. He tortured me for the past two weeks.... And I was able to escape but the damage was already done." She got off from him And now she's laying next to him, He groaned at the lost of contact. He turned and laid side ways to face her, as she did the same. He looked into her eyes and see the sadness. She should be happy, like he is right now. After two years apart, they are finally back together.

He grabbed one string of her hair and tugged it behind her ear. "Ale. Would Elie approve of us...?" He turned on his back, and held onto her waist, pulling her so her head is laying on his chest "I don't care what he thinks. It's you I want." She crawled and collapsed on his chest. "You just ruined the mood..." she mumbled. He laid his hand around her shoulder and grab her left chest so suddenly, she hissed "you're evil..." he chuckled "that's why I'm the devil . Now let me love you."

He hovered on top of her, holding onto her and kissing her passionately. His lips were teasing slowly her lips, making her wanting more. His hand run through her hair stroking into them. He felt nothing but pure ecstasy, and excitement. He lowered his hand to between her thighs and mumbled in her ears "Such an obedient girl are you."


Alessandro was awake all night, holding onto Yara's body tightly and kissing her shoulders. She was asleep after their long night they spent. Yara groaned as he kissed her once again "Good morning sleeping beauty." She lifted her face, her eyes still shut as she looked at him. "husgsvdhwjdw" she mumbled. "Love to be honest, I didn't understood a word you just said. But I hope you said I love you." She smiled as she pushed herself to reach his lips.

"Come on love, I have somewhere to be, want to come with me?" She rubbed her eyes and yawned before answering "mhmm... I don't mind. Could you wait for me to--" Someone knocked on the door "Yara are you awake?! I can't deal with Espada's daughter all alone!" Alessandro jumped out of bed while throwing Yara a shirt and rushed into her closet.

Elie opened the door "You're causing a lot of trouble young lady. How many times should I tell you that she is our prisoner and not guest so she walk this house like she owns it." Yara's heart was about to explode, Alessandro is hiding butt naked in her closet, a feet away where Elie was standing. "Why are you pale?! Am I that scary?!" Yara shook her head quickly and replied "No! I j-just woke up from a n-nightmare."

He crossed his arms "I need you to keep an eye on Vanessa." "I can't. I'm going with Alessandro. He told me he had a meeting and he wants me to join him." Elie roared "DAMMIT!" and walked away slamming the door. Alessandro started to walk when the door reopened suddenly which made Ale rush back to the closet. "Anyways where is he?!" Yara shrugged her shoulders "He isn't in his room! What a shitty morning!" He slammed once again the door behind him.

They both waited for a few seconds, before Alessandro finally walked out from the closet and sighed. "That was close." Yara laid back on her back "Do you realize if he knows about us we're both dead right?" Ale laid on his stomach, and kissed Yara's lips while saying "I don't care. If he doesn't like us being a couple, then we will runaway to France, or Germany." She cupped his face and whispered "I love you." He smiled "I love you more"

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