Chapter 16: Bed

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Really I am so thankful and happy to know that you enjoyed the last chapters. And I really hope you enjoy the rest of the stories.

It was one of the most awkward car rides Vanessa ever felt. Elie was sitting on the other side of the backseat, looking at the window without saying anything. 'Was it really just an act?' She asked herself.

She would pay billions.... Even sell her own soul to the devil if he could rewind the ball and feel this beautiful feelings that vibrated through all her body, making her feel as she was dancing on the clouds.

'Did this danse or even the way he tucked my hair behind my ear, meant something to him?' She looked back at him and saw him still looking through the window, as the soft Italian spring rain was pouring outside.

She was angry, frustrated. He, once again, played with her feelings. She tucked her finger nails in the leather black seat, holding those angry tears. She just wanted to go back home. And never see his ugly/handsome face.

As the car stopped in front of the mansion, Vanessa held the edges of her dress, and walked out of the car while slamming the door brutally. Elie surprised by her actions, looked at her confused . She speed walked to her room. "Hey!" He shouted at her.

He followed her. As soon, he was few inches behind her while she entered her room, she turned and slammed the other door right on his face. Vanessa already knew the consequences of her actions, she really don't give a single shit if he ever do something to her.

He opened the door and slammed it to the wall. As he walked to her, Vanessa was going backwards. "YOU DARE SLAM ONE MORE DAMN DOOR IN FRONT OF MY FACE, I WILL RIP ALL OF YOUR SKIN AND FEED IT TO THE BIRDS AND THE BEASTS!" He shouted.

Vanessa has hit her back on the corner of the wall, and he was still walking towards her. He slammed his hand right behind her ear. She turned her face away, not wanting him to see the fear in her eyes. He grabbed her chin and turned it to him "not so bold I see !"

She was forced to look him straight in the eyes. She just wanted to shout at him, telling him about her inner feelings. What he made her feel. He was glaring. "Say something for the love of god or I will force you to say it!"

Her, pinned against the wall, and him, heavy breathing, gasping for air, was looking at her. As he saw her trembling between him, his eyes went down to her collar bone, down to her body then up to her face. All he was now imagining was her between his arms, laying on his naked chest, redrawing with her finger all of his tattoos.

"GODDAMMIT VANESSA SAY A BLOODY WORD! A SINGLE BLOODY WORD!" He shouted once again, trying to keep his wild imagination under control. Yet he was fighting the demons inside of him as he stared longer in her eyes.

He grabbed her neck and pulled it to her while whispering in her ears "you give me this look once again and I will show you something you will regret." Vanessa was still not responding to one of his threats.

She got used to him. Threats and shouts.... She was used to hear them all the time. He continued, still shouting stuff he was confused on why he was saying "besides what are you wearing?!" For the first time, she replied to him calmly "a few thousand euros of yours called a 'vestire' (dress)."

Elie, by hearing her soft confident words, made him feel weak on the inside. He replied "Say's who!!" "Vercase" she said with a smirk on her face. The confidence she had, the boldness she had to even reply to him. Was something he never witnessed in his life.

He pinned her back to the wall and grabbed her two arms and pinned them up of her head, while he came closer to her face, and looking at her lips. Vanessa felt her heart skip a beat, she felt his warm breath hit her face and his eyes on her lips.

With a husky voice he said "don't make me do something you might never want to end. I could do so much to you right now... make you beg for something without even doing anything. But we don't want to play like this, do we?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

Vanessa didn't want him to win this round. He always win. She scoffed and replied "we? I think you don't want to play like this. Talk about yourself only." He smirked and lower himself only to let his mouth be on the same level of her ear , he whispered "then don't beg for me to stop."

She turned to him and looked at him shocked. He came closer to her face, making his nose touch hers. Vanessa froze. She saw him leaning closer and closer. He smirked before he smashed his lips against hers.

He kissed her passionately, more than he ever did. She tamed him long enough. And he spread his anger on the kiss. He grabbed her right thigh, pulling it up to his hips. After a few minutes, he traced his lips down to her neck while holding her in a bridal style way, and laid her on the bed.

He looked at her with a smirk and said with a husky voice "you won't believe me if I say this, but I wished to do this the second I held you in my arms." Vanessa stared at his eyes and saw the fire and the powerful man in him that made her want him more than ever.

After everything, they both ended in between each other's arms. He was laying his back on the bed's headboard, having her between his legs and her head resting on his naked chest. She was finger drawing his tattoos, while she was still gasping for air.

"Now what?" She mumbled. He looked at her and replied "what do you mean?" She sighed and continued "are you going to act the next morning like nothing happened between us like you did last time?" He caressed her back and said "no... you should probably know by now that you are mine."

Vanessa sat straight in front of him, letting the cover of the bed fall down from her back "yours?" He laughed and added "you think after tonight I am letting you go? Mi amore you are wrong." Vanessa glanced at the sincerity in his eyes and smiled.

She laid back on his chest, while caressing his muscular arm. "Elie...." He hummed in response. "Ti voglio bene" His heart stopped beating. The feelings he is feeling at this right moment made him shiver, bringing new vibrations and sensations through his body. "I love you too amore".
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