Chapter 40: Brooke and Marco (3)

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Marco came back from his walk. He's ashamed. "Yara I didn't know how to react. The woman was a virgin!" He said in Italian. He slowly walked inside and heard the sound of drawers, open and close. "well did she enjoy it?" "I don't know if she enjoyed it. But by the sounds she let out yesterday, "enjoy" might be an understatement." He let out a chuckle. Brooke walked in the living room with a bowl of cereal in her hand. She stood in front of him looking confused. He cleared his throat and said in Italian "anyways there she is standing in front of me, I'll call you later tonight. Tell Elie I say hi." And he hang up.

He kept staring at her, while he put his phone in his pocket. The tension between them rose from the dead and she looked down as she felt fire in his eyes. "Good morning." She mumbled . "Good morning." He replied. "Eating cereals? Really? She shrugged her shoulders "it's the only thing I found in the pantry." He clicked his fingers and one of his man move forward "call the receptionist, tell her I need one of the top 5 fanciest and most delicious breakfast." His guard nodded and walked away. Brooke smirked. "Oh and tell also the chef. If he doesn't make them good, to please me and the lady here. For each bite I take, a bullet he will receive in his head." Then the memories of the creepy guy, laying on top of her covered in blood returned. The smell of blood, the merciless face of his. He kills and he doesn't care.

She put the bowl away . Marco approach her "it would have been nice to tell me you were a virgin." She crossed her arms and tell him "do you think I will even have the balls to tell you that mister Italian after you shot a man right in front of me?" He looked at her blankly and hissed "you should be thankful it wasn't you." She rolled her eyes "oh thank you!" She shouted sarcastically. "Be honest with me.... How much are you bored that you want me locked up for 30 days?" He smirked "im not that desperate for you if you're implying. I just find you attractive and said to myself, why not have her?" He withdraw a cigarette and lightened it "so don't feel too special Bella. Because you aren't." He blew his first breath right to her face, she started to wave off the gray smoke and coughing "listen to me Bella. I have everything in this world, literally everything. But there's something I don't have and I'm thankful I don't have it and never wish to have it."

She looked at him and gulped "and what is it?" He smirked "love." She felt the coldness in his eyes "and you're happy about that? That no one loves you?" He blew smoke before replying "Yara loves me. And I love her. She's my everything. And one of the reasons I'm here is because of her." The name of another girl made her feel weird. Why does she feel weird? Who is Yara? And is that why he is in America? If what he's saying is true, that he's here because of her, then where is she? And if he loves her that much, then why is she with him? "She's the only person I love in this world." The more he spoke like this about her the more this weird feeling is rising inside of Brooke. "Then where is she?" She asked, in a way that she tried to hide what her feelings are. She felt too transparent when she's with him. She feels like he knows what she's thinking or what she's feeling, As he was about to answer his phone ring. He put away his cigarette, and took his phone from his pocket.

Brooke slowly peaked and saw Yara's name. Marco smirked and pointed a finger at Brooke "Ciao." Yara shouted "how dare you hang up on me like that?! Shame on you!" He chuckled and replied in Italian"Relax! I have a visitor here." "I wanted to tell you something." Yara said. His face turn dark . And even Brooke notice it "something happened with you and your father?! Want me to pack and go back to Italy ?!" Yara laughed "in the contrary ! Daddy was very pleased with Alessandro. No offense to you or to your brother." Marco laughed "I thought something bad happened! Don't scare me like that!" "When are you coming back?!" He sighed "in a month ." Yara sighed "I could really use a friend right now." Marco knows that Yara is going through shit and he already feels bad that he's not with her. He sat on the couch and said in English "Yara I love you." Then continued in Italian "and I'll always be here for you. I'm just one text or call away. I'm here for you, and if anything happens to you, I'll leave everything here for you." "Don't worry Ale is taking good care of me. As long as I'm with Ale everything is fine." Marco said mockingly "yeah mister big black heart Alessandro will protect you"

Alessandro voice echoed in his ear "are you mocking me you little shit?!" Marco turned white "how about you stop eavesdropping on me and Yara and mind your damn business?" "You little shit! Wait till you get your ass back to Italy I will show you my business!" Marco and Yara laughed. "Anyways I won't take much of your time anymore. Call you later~" Marco smiled "Ciao!" And he hang up once again. 'Yara I love you' only someone who's in love will say it. Brooke thought. If he's so in love with this Yara then what am I doing here?! He walked to her and said "food will be here soon. Go settle yourself on the table." She looked at him settling himself first before joining him. He lightened another cigarette "so Brooke... describe me your boring life." She clenched her jaw "not all of us are wealthy and using our father's money and living a fancy life like you do. And it's obvious that's the only thing you know to do" Marco stared blankly at her.

He clicked his fingers and one of his man handed him a file . He opened it while holding his cigarette between his lips "so where to begin.... Aha! Brooklyn Charlotte Danvor. Born in 18/04/2004. 19 years old. 5 foot 5. Weight 55kg. 5 years in foster care. Dad died in a car crash, and mom drug user." He smirked and winked at her "I think I might know your mom" Brooke looked at him darkly. He did a security check on her?! "Barista and a stripper." "I'm not a stripper!" She shouted . Marco looked at her "that's not what it say in the paper." She grabbed the file from him and throw it away . Then slammed her hands on the table. Guards rushed and pointed their guns at her "you don't need to rub it in my face that I'm broke and that I'm nothing but a pathetic orphan who kept running away from foster home! I know my life! And I don't want a spoiled brat like you to tell me!"

Marco waved his guards to settle down "Brooke." He said in a warning tone "one more of your little scenes, like this one you just did, I won't let my guards walk away. I will tell them to shoot you. And I don't care if you die. I know how to kill you and make it look like an accident." She looked at him "how could you be so cruel? What does Yara even see in you?" She said in a teasing tone. Marco pushed himself slowly and laid his arms on the table. "Don't bring Yara's name ever again. Understood Brooke? Or I promise you, I will torture you. And I will make you wish death." One of his guards came "room service Capo." "Let them in" Marco said holding the eye contact with Brooke .

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