Chapter 14: Training

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[well no one can't convince me that last chapter was surprising.... I even surprised myself . Enjoy chapter 14]

Vanessa woke up excited the next day. After preparing herself, she rushed downstairs. Elie was sitting on a table and Yara was watching Alessandro doing pancakes. "And this mi amore how you do Mio famoso pancakes." Said Alessandro.

Yara smiled at him "Ti amo tanto." Replied Yara while giving him a kiss on the lips. Elie glared at interrupted "Su Dio!! Alessandro stop messing with my cousin!" Alessandro scared replied "she kissed me!" Vanessa giggled.

"Good morning!" Shouted Yara while hugging her tight "Elie told us you are coming with us today to the fiel! Excited?" Vanessa nodded happily "to be honest, yes!"

"Great! You will finally learn how to hold a gun and shoot if your life will be threatened." Added Alessandro. He grabbed a plate, and filled it with three delicious pancakes and handed it to Vanessa. "Eat! It will make you feel energetic."

Vanessa thanked him and sat next to Elie, who was scrolling through this phone "Good morning." He said with his morning voice. She looked at him and smiled "Good morning. Did you sleep after yesterday?" Elie smiled and nodded.

"What about yesterday?" Whispered Yara confused ro Alessandro. He turned to his girlfriend and asked "Did she ended in his bed-..." "Chiudi la bocca!" Shouted Elie. Yara and Alessandro looked afraid at him.

"When are we leaving?" asked Vanessa. He smiled in reply "in an hour Vanessa." Vanessa started eating her breakfast while Alessandro was sharing one of his funny stories.

After an hour, They were all gathered in the field where men were practicing their shooting. Vanessa was impressed and find it quite interesting. Elie handed her a gun. She looked at him with hesitation then took it.

He stood behind her and said "now I want you to point your gun towards the bullseye." He took her hand and lifted them to point it to the bullseye, Vanessa could feel his warm breath hitting her neck. She wasn't really focusing on what he is saying. The only thing keeping her mind was him.

"Take a deep breath and shoot." Vanessa adjusted the gun she was holding, took a deep breath and shoot. Luckily the bullet was close to bullseye, but yet she was satisfied. She turned to him and smiled. "Very well Vanessa." He congratulated.

She turned back and shot a few more time, until finally she hit the bullseye. She jumped around and landed between his arm as she embraced him. She pushed herself away slowly, as he was still having his hand on her waist "are you enjoying your time?" He asked softly.

She smiled and replied "yes very much." "Now that you know how to shoot, let me show you around." He showed her the many training and the system he use to train his men.

After a long walk, he turned to her and said "Thank you for assisting me today. I really enjoyed my time with you." Vanessa nodded. "I know I already promised you that I will take you shopping for some new clothes. How about we go? Of course Yara will assist us. I already ordered my men to kick people out of the mall so we could be all alone."

Vanessa smile stupidly "you shouldn't-..." he interrupted "yes I should!" Yara and Alessandro came. "Remind me never to mess with her." Said Alessandro to Elie. Yara laughed "he dared me to try and shoot with my eyes closed and with one hand."

Alessandro shouted "you taught her so well, she even scared all your men!" They all laughed . Elie started "Now, we will go to the mall and bring some clothes for Vanessa. Yara I need your help-..." "Of course Cousin. Don't worry. I always knew non hai alcun senso della moda!" "Shut up!" Said Elie laughing.

Vanessa was shocked to see the mall this empty. They were all alone, going from a shop to another.... Channel, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Gucci..... they went from shop to shop, and with the help of Yara, Vanessa picked the most beautiful of clothes.

After the girls went through loads of shop, they both decided to take the lift. And meet like promise the boys in a restaurant. The boys were quite surprise with the amount of clothes they bought but forgot all about it at dinner.

For the first time the four are gathered together having dinner peacefully. "So Vanessa I hope you are excited to this little ball party." Vanessa was confused "which ball?" Elie laughed nervously "I didn't really had the time to ask her. Thank you Alessandro for reminding me." He said sarcastically, glaring at him.

He turned to Vanessa and said "I got intel that one of my enemies are going to be there. And-..." "you want him dead?" Asked Vanessa. He scoffed and nodded "Yes.... That's why we four of us are going to the ball, enjoy our time while my men take him and kill him."

Vanessa was left speechless "sorry Elie, I think I heard ou wrong. You said the the four of us? I never went to a mission or-...." He took his hand and laid it on hers "don't think Like that. Besides of our mission that my men will take over, we must enjoy our time together."

Alessandro smirked and looked at his girlfriend, while putting his arm behind her neck "and plus every men should be a date. You would be the perfect date to my old friend here." Vanessa blushed and nodded "sure I won't mind."

Elie couldn't look at her, he was too embarrassed to show his red face to her, but deep inside he wanted to jump and danse. He was quite happy and for the first time excited to go to the ball. He was picturing himself dancing with Vanessa under to bright moon.

"Well lucky for us we already bought our dresses, am I right Vanessa?" Vanessa giggled and replied "beautiful long dresses. I think they are suitable to be use for the ball. But the most important thing that we don't get in danger."

Elie assured her "we are not in danger Vanessa. We will never be in danger. And I promise something, as long as I live, you will never be in danger." Vanessa smiled.

Yara and Alessandro looked at each other, knowing that Elie has just fallen in love with someone they both got attached too.
1087 Words

Mio famoso: my famous
Ti amo tanto: I love you so much
•Su Dio: On God
•Chiudi la bocca: Shut your mouth
•non hai alcun senso della moda: you don't have a sense of fashion.

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