Chapter 29: Backstory (part 7)

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[i love how hyped my friends are over this story]

One year later:
"Married?" "Yeah Bella that's what I heard" Marco Massimo DePapel, Yara's childhood best friend said. "Alessandro is getting married to who?" "His father made a new contract with the Tigers. So Allisio aka the mafia leader of the tigers have a daughter your age and the only deal was if Alessandro is marrying the girl there would be business." Yara stayed quiet, a cup of tea between her hands, and her heart aching and beating fast. "You seem to care a lot." He said with a smirk on her face.

"No I don't..." "mhmmm and pigs can fly. Dio Mio! Just say it that you still think of him." She scoffed annoyingly "why would I think of him?! I have everything. Power! A killing reputation between people now! I don't care who lives who dies I'm killing people that's my passion now." He laid back his head on the sofa, and added "I missed the old you." "The pathetic one?" He laughed "no. The hopelessly romantic one." She looked away. Marco approached her "yara he changed a lot. You know how much he hated killing. But now. He's different. He just kills anyone who plays with his nerves. And he got more jacked." He waited for the slightest emotion on her face but it didn't work.

"You're boring you know that!" He whined. She looked at him offended "I'm not! You're just bored on your own. Want to go shopping in the mall?" He thought for a second "yeah alright." They drove to their favorite mall, not expecting anyone.


"It's a pleasure Anastasia to see you. Alessandro is more happier" the blonde girl giggled and wrapped her arms around Ale's arms "oh I love your son very much." Alessandro looked at her coldly and pushed her away "yeah yeah. Let's just get this over with." While the girl started to walk in front of them. His father hissed "behave! We need this contract." "No you need this. I need you dead." Replied Alessandro. They settled in an open cafe at the mall, their surroundings were a dozen of shops. They ordered some coffee and started to chat about some wedding arrangements. More like Ale's father and his new fiancée is.

"Let's go to Gucci first. I have been wanting a new jacket." Marco said. As they were walking, and followed by their own bodyguards, everyone kept looking at them, pointing at them, even whispering at them. Alessandro was playing with his cup of coffee when a conversation between two girls caught his attention. "I swear to god that's her. Look! That's Yara Liberalo." Alessandro jerked his head directly to the way the girl is pointing and the sight of her standing a few meters away looking at some clothes, made his heart flutter. It's been a year since he saw her. There was no contact not even he saw her when he would come to visit Elie. But then his expressions turned to hatred, a boy wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

Yara was laughing with Marco who kept teasing her but she felt she had been watched intensely. Her eyes started to roam around until she met a pair of familiar brown eyes staring at her. Her heart dropped at the sight of him staring at her. She held onto Marco's arms and whispered "Marco! That's Ale there." She turned her back quickly avoiding the eye contact. "Marco do something!" He looked at her confused "what?! Tell me!" She then said "kiss me!" He looked at her disgusted "dude you're my best friend." She sighed "you kiss me, I will buy you three Gucci jackets and invite you for dinner." He smirked "and you invite me to the movies too."

She rolled her eyes "alright alright! Now act all romantically with me before kissing me." Marco wrapped an arm around her waist while tugging her hair behind her ear and kissed her cheeks "on the lips you idiot!" "I know I know! But if stares could kill, I'll be dead !" She laughed as she understood what he meant, and she felt Alessandro's eyes looking at her angrily. Marco leaned forward and kissed her lips passionately. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she pulled him closer. She slowly peaked at him, clinching his jaw and cracking his knuckles. After pulling away, she wrapped her arm around Marco's and said to the cashier "we will have those three jackets. Thank you." Marco was more happier to have the jackets than helping his best friend. After paying, Yara excused herself to the ladies room. And walked away.

After watching where she's heading, he looked at his father "I need to use the restroom." Anastasia looked at him helplessly "don't be late. We still have the dj and flowers and the Theme of the wedding." He started to walk slowly to the restroom, and found himself in-front of the ladies room. Yara just came out from the toilet and was washing her hands when he entered. She saw his figurine from the mirror in front of her "that's the private bathroom for girls." "Now it's a private talking room." He replied while locking the door. She wiped her hands with a paper towel and throw it away. She turned to the mirror fixing her hair and looking at her outfit, showing many poses while she knew she was teasing him.

"I guess it was nice to see your face but I need to meet someone-..." she tried to walk to the door when a hand gripped around her neck and pulled her to him. "Someone? You mean the man you were making out with, in front of my fucking face." She looked at him devilishly "his lips were lonely." He gave her a disgusting look "yeah mhm." She held onto his hand trying to pull it away "get away Alessandro!" "WHO IS HE?!" He roared. "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. YOU MOVED ON SO DID I!" He scoffed "who told you I moved on!" Her eyes started to get glossy "literally you were just sitting next to her!" He laughed "the girl that I'm FORCED to marry her?!" "Yeah that one! Now we're even, let go of me!"

She tried to push him away, to kick him, to punch him.... But he didn't move a muscle. "Waw your reputation does precede you. You're stronger." "Yeah. Want to know why? Because someone told me once that I couldn't protect myself." His face dropped and now he's glaring "you're making me look like a sexist." "You are one." He pushed her, so her back hit a wall. And he pushed himself closer to her. "I will make it clear. For the last time." He grabbed her neck, making her chock as his nose touched hers "you. Are. Mine. I see one more man touching you, I will kill him. Don't test me."

She smirked "oh god you look sexy when you're jealous." He snickered "I don't like anyone touching what's mine." She looked at him for a second, then added "your girlfriend is waiting." "She doesn't mean anything to me." Yara looked away "yet you're marrying her." She found herself able to escape from his grip and she walked away. As she rushed to meet with Marco, he cheered at the sight of her "I thought you died. What happened?" She turned her eyes to see Alessandro walking away while staring at her "oh no.... Did he do something?" He asked worried. She shook her head no.

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