Chapter 26: Backstory (Part 4)

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[is it me or anyone here is rocking the backstory of these couple?]

"Where is my father?!" Roared Alessandro at a maid, who let out a squeak of fear pointing at the door of an office. He opened the door, making it slam on the wall so hard that one of the painting fell down. "Why did you send someone to kill Yara?!" His father finally made eye contact with him, but no emotions, no anger, or surprised expression was shown. It was blank "because you love her boy." Ale looked at his father surprised. "H-how do you know?"

He finally stood up and walked in his office "I know my son. I know when you love. Unfortunately you're a lot like your mother." Alessandro glared "unfortunately? Mom was the best woman-...." "The most naive and weak one! She raised you to be a soft-..." Alessandro was boiling in anger and in a second he was found pinning his father on a wall and trying to choke him. "Never talk about my mother!" His father once again showed no expression "how could you send someone to kill an innocent girl?!" He shouted.

"She's not innocent. She changed you. You missed more than 10 times our training sessions. You are supposed to be here when our rookies came but you were too busy kissing her ass to think about business." Alessandro let go of him."you touch her one more time, I will kill you with my own two hands. I'm serious Dad. You took everything away from me. I won't let you take her." And he burst out of the room, red eyes, and blood boiled. He took his phone.

Alessandro: get yourself ready baby.

Yara: w-what.... Where are you taking me?

Alessandro: I hope you like motorbikes.

Yara: ......
Yara: Ale. Where are you taking me?

Alessandro: for a ride. You and me baby.

Yara: alright. Text me when you're hiding in our spot:

Alessandro: Yara

Yara: mhm

Alessandro: I love you mi amore.

Yara: I love you too.

He turned off his phone. Went to his room, to wear his black leather jacket. Grabbed his keys, and walked out. A beautiful BMW motorbike. One of the sexiest. And here he go like a wind to Yara's place. After half an hour, he parked under the trees. He pulled his phone.

Alessandro: Baby I'm here

Yara: coming❤️.

In a minute, he found a figuring running towards him, he looked at her with a smirk. Leather black pants with a white tank top and a leather black jacket. Black high heels boots. Struggling to run fast with her heels. He got off the bike and rushed to her. As she reached him, she wrapped her legs around his torso, and cuddled her face on the crook of his neck. "God I want you so bad." He groaned as her perfume roamed down his nose. After settling her down on the floor "are you ready?" She smiled and nodded dragging him to his sweet ride and hoping in the backseat.

She never felt more exciting in her life, the ride was so fast, the wind hitting her brown long hair, arms wrapped around his waist to hold onto him. And he made everything exciting. Dangerous tricks, passing rapidly the cars in traffics. Speeding in tight freeways, around a mountain to finally get to their destination. She felt relieved that her feet hit the floor but she never felt more alive ever in her life.

Alessandro settled himself on a huge rock, where she rushed Alison and cuddled next to him. The moonlight was enough to shine them the view. Quiet.... Silence.... Not one of them was ready to talk right now. "Yara about what happened..." "forget it Ale. I don't want to talk about it." But he wanted, and at the same time he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. She lift her head and saw him daydreaming, she smirked and kissed his cheek. Little did she know, she opened a door of excitement and love. He grabbed her neck, pulling her closer to crash his lips against her, and she found herself sinking into the kiss.

RING RING.... Alessandro groaned as he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. Elie Liberalo . Yara's heart was beating fast. Ale looked at her with a reassuring smile and answered.
"Ale. First man wanted to thank you for the support you showed to my cousin. She's really sensitive and dramatic."
"Hey it's alright. You two mean so much to me" he answered, squeezing Yara's ass. She let out a gasp.
"And second. I know you have nothing to do with this... but I found who tried to get to Yara. And he's one of you."

Yara's face dropped and snuggled tighter to Ale her heart beating million of beats in a second, and she felt Alessandro shivers against her.
"Look man I swear you know-...."
"I know Alessandro. You have nothing to do with this. Your father was not very pleased when I turned down his offer. Listen, I don't have a problem with you. I'm counting the days to finally be partners in crime more than we are right now. But as long as your father is alive, my mafia and yours have nothing to do with each other. This message is for your father, he tries to even think of hurting someone in my family, I call it war. So it's a warning. Better stay away from my family. Or I will rip him parts and parts, making him wish for a death he won't find. Alright?"

Alessandro sighed "Yes Elie."
"Good. I would like to see you tomorrow if you don't mind. It's been a long time since we had a cup of wine together. Anyways got to go. Ciao."

Alessandro hang up and turned to yara. "But why me...?" He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead "my father is a lunatic." "But you're not like him." He smiled "I love you." She smiled back "I love you too."


"So he's threatening me?" His father said, "you deserve it. I hope you try to do something so he would finally kill you." Hissed Alessandro. "Not a respectful way to speak to their father." Alessandro glared. "I don't care about you nor about the business. Don't mess with the Libero's. You're messing with the wrong family." As he was about to leave his office. "It takes one simple phone call, to tell his royal highness elie about the affair you have with his cousin. Don't test me boy." He froze on his feet, and roared "I hope worms eat you alive." "Like wise son."

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