Chapter 3: Family business

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[some contant might be to violent for the reader]

Vanessa's heavy eyes started to open gently. She looked around her only to see herself sleeping on a bed. The room was bleak, cold and completely dark. It was quiet and somber in there and she felt a chill as the darkness engulfed her.

As she stood up, she still felt dizzy. She walked slowly, going right left and held on the door's knob. She tried to push it, even pull it. It was no use. The door was completely locked. She shouted "Voi sporchi mostri*!!!! Let me out !!" She slammed, shouted even broke some stuff in the room, and no one came.

After a few hours, someone came and unlocked the door. She walked to the door and opened it. There was a staircase, leading downstairs. She walked down the stair scared. Hearing people talking. The more she got to the main floor, the more she is trembling.

When she arrived to the main floor, her eyes met a tall beautiful girl. Brown straight short hair, wearing a beautiful red dress with black high heels. She was shouting at the men in front of her, holding a knife in her hand while passing it between her fingers.

"Idioti* !!! That's not a way to treat a girl!" As she was screaming at them, she noticed a strange figurine standing behind the bodyguards. "Finally! Poor child! They locked you up!" She run to her and grabbed her arm leading her to the dinner table. There was hot food, and exotic fruits with a beverage on the side.

She rubbed her back and added "don't worry I will talk to my cousin to show mercy on you." Vanessa was sitting at the dining table, serving herself some delicious food and still confused on what just happened. The young lady sat next to her and said "I didn't introduced myself correctly. I am known as the Vedova Nera*. But my real name is Yara Liberalo. I'm 19 by the way"

Vanessa nodded gently "I'm-...." Yara interrupted and said "Vanessa Espada..... I know your father. He killed my uncle and traumatized my younger self when I saw all his body parts delivered in front of my door in a trash bag." Vanessa felt Yara's eyes turned dark. "I'm sorry....."

Yara stood up and put her knife on her leg where the knife was held by a leather band. She smiled and replied "I hate when people feel pity about me......" a bodyguard came, bowed and said "Padrona*, your order came. 240 M4 are going to be delivered to you early in the morning." She looked at them in a satisfied way and replied "Brilliante*! I would finally be able to kill this Bastardo*"

Then all of a sudden, a figure appeared from the dark and was walking to the young lady. Yara smirked "Cugino* I began to worry." Vanessa's eyes went to see the man she was talking to. The man stood in front of the girl, she felt her cheeks burned as she looked at his muscular arms, decorated with tattoos. The rings in his fingers. But it seems like he is hurt.

Yara smiled "you got blood stains on your face." As she licked her thumb and tried to removed it. The man glared at her. He gripped her arm and said "Enough Yara! I ordered my men to stay the girl Locked in her room. How dare you threaten them to kill them if they don't let her out!" Yara crossed her arms and replied with an annoyed voice "That's not how you treat a girl!"

He interrupted and said "but that's how you treat a prisoner!" "She has nothing to do with uncle-...." He grabbed her neck and shouted "don't bring my father in this conversation! Mind if I remind you that because of her father, you are traumatized! Mind if I remind you that I was raised as an orphan because of her father!" He let go of Yara who was gasping for air.

She was looking at him with anger. "What are you planning to do with her?! Kill her??" He smiled and nodded "yes that's what I am planning to do. But I would be pleased if her father have a front row seat to see his daughter getting tortured." As Vanessa was hearing this conversation, knowing that she will die.

She pushed her chair away and tried to run away. Only to see two men holding her back and pin her back to the chair. He glared at Vanessa and started walking towards her "Elie don't-!!" Shouted Yara. He came close to her. He grabbed her face and squeezed it.

"Funny of you to think that you might escape this place." She was moving crazy. Yara walked towards them and sat on the table, a leg on another while sipping some red wine. "I told you she is innocent." Yara stated. "Not another word Yara!" Vanessa was staring at him, the more she looked the more she noticed how handsome he is.

A beautiful drawn jawline, a light beard that is hiding it. The veins popping out of his hand and arm. And the look he have, made her feel burning. He looked back at her and let go of her "you are lucky that my cousin is here to have your back. Maybe I will give you a few days to enjoy your last days on earth before I kill you in front of your pathetic father."

Vanessa begged "I have nothing to do with him! I don't know what he is doing! I was never in the mafia!" Elie came closer to her and said with an angry tone "do you think I care? I have the most precious thing he has. And soon he will lose her like he made me lose someone I love." He turned his back and snapped his fingers.

As Yara let all her attention to her cousin he ordered "maybe a girl friend won't make you feel lonely. Enjoy these few days with her. Keep an eye on her! Understood?!" Yara rolled her eyes playfully "Bene Bene*. I will keep an eye on her." And he added with a higher tone "and if she escapes, kill her!"

Vanessa looked at his figurine that was slowly fading away into the darkness. Yara ordered the bodyguards to let go off her and said "I should warn you not to mess with him. If he is not afraid to hurt me, he is not going to be afraid to kill you." Vanessa nodded scared and prayed the lord for her soul to keep.

1111 Words

•voi sporchi mostri: you filthy monsters
•Idioti: idiots
•Vedova Nera: black widow
•padrona: mistress
•Brillante: brilliant
•Bastardo: bastard
•Cugino: cousin.
•Bene Bene: alright alright.

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