Chapter 6: His & Hers

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Elie enter Vanessa's room and slammed brutally the door behind him. Vanessa was scared she saw him mad. He walked towards her and grabbed her neck while pulling it close to his face. Warm breath were hitting each other's faces, Vanessa felt a knot on her stomach. She knew there were butterflies.

He said with a husky voice "Miss Espada, remind yourself that here you are not a guest, nor a friend of my cousin. You are my prisoner. You don't know any second, I would pull the trigger and kill you." Vanessa didn't care about his threat, she was dazzled with his eyes and smiled to him softly, his expression changed as he saw the smile on her face.

He let go off her and added "from now on you obey me. And don't really get used to be friends with Yara." He walked away. Vanessa smiled and thought 'and knew he was too sweet to be cold as they say.'

Vanessa went back downstairs only to meet someone new. Someone she never met before, she froze into her place and asked "w-who a-are you?" The man stood up and shook hands with her "Alessandro Mario Garcia. Nice to meet you. You must be Vanessa Espada." She nodded scared. Yara rolled her eyes "don't mind him Vanessa. He's just a pathetic idiot." Vanessa chuckled.

Alessandro rolled his eyes playfully "she loves me." "I do not!!" Shouted Yara. Vanessa went laughing at the two arguing on stupid things, knowing that not event the universe will ever bring them together. As Vanessa grabbed her coffee and sat next to Yara, they had a quite simple and amusing conversation that kept them entertained for an hour and half.

Later at dinner, Vanessa went back to her room as Elie commanded. She eat there and watched a movie while the others were at the dining room. "Why isn't she joining us?" Asked Yara disappointed . Elie replied unbothered "mind to remind you that she is a prisoner. And because I am the boss here so I will decide if she can come or not."

The rest of the dinner was quite silent. As everyone was eating, Alessandro stopped and added "she's just a girl Elie-..." Elie slammed his hands on the table and shouted "Alessandro!! Mind your damn business!!" He pushed his chair and walked to his room.

Yara glared at Alessandro, pushed her chair too and walked to the kitchen to sit on the counter looking through her phone. After a few minutes Alessandro joined her. "Liberalo ." He called her name. She looked at him and ignored him. He grabbed her phone and throw it away. "Stop ignoring me!!"

Yara pushed him and slapped him "how dare you!!" As she was walking away, he grabbed her waist and pulled her back to him. He placed her on the counter, standing between her legs he said "it's been a whole day you ignored me and hate me.... And here it comes to an end." Yara scoffed. "You think it's funny do you?" He shouted. Yara replied angrily "after two years you came back and now you want us to be like we used to be?!"

She pushed him as tears went running down "I loved you Ale!!! But you didn't love me back!!!" He glared and added "of course I did yara!! You were always the one!" "No you didn't!"

Vanessa woke up thirsty, she put on her slipper and walked down stairs. She was about to arrive at the kitchen only to hear an unexpected conversation between Yara and the man she just met few hours ago. She knew that she shouldn't eavesdrop but she couldn't help only to eavesdrop on what's going on.

He grabbed her shoulders and shook it. "I am trying to reach out to you again. After those years... because I became the man that I am today all thanks to you. 24/7 I'm thinking about you. amore mio non lasciarmi andare*!" "Let go of you?! It was you! You left me to be just like your father!" Alessandro puffed his chest and glared "I'm nothing like my father." Yara scoffed "you're right.... you're worst than him"

"You were 17 and I was 19... we were too young and too foolish. We saw life as a game and not like my father and your cousin used to tell us. After the accident, I felt I was a danger to you. I didn't left you because I'm a coward or I stopped loving you... I left because I wasn't strong enough to protect you. But here I am, stronger than ever." Yara wipes her tears "you left for two years. You left me heartbroken.... I saw her. She's prettier than me I know that." Alessandro's eyes winded. "Don't say that. She's not prettier than you in anyway. In a matter of fact, my father wanted me to marry her... that's unfortunately before he died... but now I have you."

Vanessa was still watching them, with an awe face, she was so happy with their conversation that she almost felt she was in one of these telenovela and the romantic moments started. She was smiling secretly and clapping her hands silently. All she wanted that the two just kiss.

Alessandro grabbed a string of the lady's hair and tugged it behind her ear. "Mi amore*, there's nothing stopping us. At least if I am with you this time, I will be able to protect you." They both started to come close to each other until their lips finally met. He was still standing between her legs, he wrapped one arm around her waist, and the other he was grabbing her neck kissing her passionately.

Vanessa smiled and started to jump around. But her throat started to get dry. She couldn't handle anymore. She needs water. She decided to go bring some water. As she walked to the fridge and open it, the sound of the water bottles hitting each other, made Ale and Yara jumped out of fear. When they saw Vanessa drinking some water. They pushed themselves away from each other. Vanessa laughed "I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to ruin your moment."

Yara was red as a tomato and Alessandro chuckled "Vanessa how long have you been standing there?" Asked Yara nervously. Vanessa smiled "long enough to see you finally making up after two years apart." Yara smiled. Vanessa added "he really loves you Yara. If he didn't, he wouldn't have came back." Alessandro wrapped his arms around his lover's waist and kissed her cheek.

"One more thing Vanessa.... I beg you, don't tell my cousin about this." Yara begged. Vanessa nodded "of course I won't say a word about this! All you both need is this cold devil to ruin your relationship." They all laughed. " anyways, I should go back to bed it's pretty late." Vanessa turned her back and walked away and before she was far from them she said "the walls are soundproof you know that guys."

Alessandro looked at Yara with a devilish way. Yara slapped his cheek softly before walking to her room again to have some good night sleep.
1212 Words

•Mi amore: my love
•amore mio non lasciarmi andare: my love don't let go of me

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