Chapter 18: Escape

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You all went ballistic when I left in this last chapter a cliffhanger. You guys are unbelievable. I love you all. Enjoy chapter 18.

As the man zoomed on the object she was holding, Alessandro let a tear run down his cheekbones. He looked away, letting another tear scroll down. "Congratulations. You're a father." He turned back to the screen.

Seeing his girlfriend laying on the floor, crying her eyes out. He didn't want to think that today might be his last day. Elie sinked into shock. "It seems your extremely defensive security system is kind of a failure." Gilbert added.

Elie turned to Alessandro who was still looking at the screen seeing his girlfriend crying on the floor. Vanessa just wanted to run to Ale and hug him. But she knew as long as her father was near her she couldn't do anything.

"Oh Garcia.... What happened to you? Your father was my loyal friend. There was a time you became close to me. What happened?" Alessandro looked up at him with glaring eyes "Your a monster!" Gilbert scoffed "weren't you the one who came to me a few months ago, as I threatened you to kill Yara, kill her, do whatever you want of her, I could careless . Does these words click on your mind?"

"I said these words because I know you are capable of doing something bad to her. To protect her-...." Elie interrupted "What do you want?!" Gilbert frowned "from you? Trust me nothing. I am only here to kill."

He pointed at the screen "my drone is highly equipped with shotguns. One shot she is dead." "NO" cried Alessandro. "I don't care who dies! But Since you do. Indulge me and I just might spare the mother of your child." Alessandro was blinded by his tears. "Beg! Beg me!"

Alessandro cried more "I beg you don't do anything to her . I beg you . I beg you!" He shouted as he was shaking the chair. His wrists started to bleed slowly, Vanessa started crying along side. "Father she's holding a child..." "I could careless! They kidnapped you. They will pay." Shouted Gilbert.

He stared at Alessandro as he was crying. "Self destruct the drone." He ordered one of his man. The screen got blurred. "Let's go." Ordered Gilbert as he was walking to the door. "Give me a second...." Her father was out and closed the door behind them.

She kneeled in front of Elie "I promise you, No one will touch Yara. You have my word, and god take my soul from me if someone even looked at her to hurt her." Alessandro tried as much as he can to force a smile.

She stood up and looked at Elie "people like you makes me have trust issues." He said. Vanessa, with tears in her eyes, replied "you, out of all people, should know that when your father is in control you have no business." Elie looked away frustrated.

"Just tell your father to do whatever he wants to do to me. But leave Ale and Yara aside. Let them have their future-..." "No mate-..." begged Alessandro before Elie interrupted while shouting "Enough! You're a father now Alessandro. I don't want my nephew to be raised the same way I was raised. Fatherless and motherless."

Vanessa walked to the door "I promise I will try to do my best and help. But I can't..." she walked away, leaving Elie still pinned, with ropes and duck tape, on the chair. He turned to Alessandro and saw his quite fragile state.

"I have never seen you like this..." Alessandro rolled his eyes "forget it Elie. Just forget it!" Elie looked away. "God I beg you, just do anything, just give me the power to only say goodbye to Yara and my-..... my future baby." Ale cried.

Vanessa couldn't sleep at night knowing that the boys were in her bassement and Yara is in danger. She knew it was the time to finally stand up. She wore her clothes. And went tiptoeing to the basement determined to save the boys.

The door opened on the boys. They looked up and saw Vanessa coming. She walked behind them and started to untie them. "What are you doing?" Asked Elie.

"Saving your ass! So shut up and follow me." Vanessa started to sneak the boys out of the mansion by passing the cards. They went tiptoeing to the backyard. "Take the right and you will be out. This is a road I did when I was young to escape."

Alessandro hugged Vanessa "thank you." Elie looked at her "and you?" Vanessa scoffed "I know how to handle myself." "You are coming with us!" He shouted back.

Vanessa shook her head "no Elie. Just take what's yours and go!" She ordered. Elie smirked. He walked to her, held her in a bridal style and started to walk in the path she showed.

"What are you doing?!" She shouted. "Doing what you told me. I'm taking what's mine and leaving." She blushed. "I told you. You are mine." She hugged his neck pulling it closer to her "I thought you started to hate me all over again."

He looked at her and replied "I was afraid you will betray me like many people did." "I would never" she stated. He leaned and kissed her lips "I know. And I was too stupid to not notice." He put her down and continued walking.

Vanessa noticed Alessandro daydreaming while walking. "What's one your mind Ale?" She asked worried. He hummed in response and shrugged his shoulders. "N-nothing... it's just I'm thinking about Yara.... I can't believe it. She is pregnant with our baby."

Vanessa smiled "are you happy?" Alessandro chuckled "of course. But do I really want my daughter or son to be in danger specially now your father is after us all including you as you betrayed him?" Vanessa looked at him sad and confused. "Am I going to be a good father?" He asked.

Elie stood in front of him "Alessandro you are one of the most responsible and trustworthy man I ever met. Even though if I had knew earlier that you were fuc-...." Vanessa knocked him on the ribs as she knew what he was going to say "I-I mean... I know you will be a great father to my nephew or niece."

Alessandro smiled and rushed to hug him "thank you mate!" He wrapped his arms around Vanessa's and Elie's neck and continued walking knowing there is a very long way to home.
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