purple-part 2

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Abigail's POV:

"love is a colour I seek to paint myself in."

-Abigail Prakash

I was reading my own quote on the wall of my not so big rented studio plus apartment.I just painted the wall with quotes from other famous artists in the world.Looking at the wall,my quote really looked tiny and that's what I currently was in the field of art.I was a newbie. I derived this talent from Baba and had started drawing at the age of five.

Baba was my godfather. I was an orphan.I was raised in an orphanage named 'Ashiyana'.It was found by Mr. Prakash Ahuja whom we all referred to as 'Baba'.Baba's wife died during child birth.But he recovered from his grief and raised his son 'Hriday' on his own.Baba didn't just stop there,he also opened an orphanage which could give support to the childrens who had no family to be with.and here is the story of how I ended up in this orphanage. It was one rainy night with storms and lightening.From the heaven,an angel arrived with a baby in her arms and put it at the doorstep of 'Ashiyana'.But before leaving she made sure she keeps a magical paintbrush in the baby's palm and then she left to fly to heavens.

Off course it wasn't true.But I really belived in the story till I was six.I belived in it cause I was a little girl to whom the meaning of unwanted child didn't make any sense.She was very happy to know that she was brought to earth by an angel and that too with a magical brush.As a child,I blindly belived in this story,Baba had told me.

But then I grew up and came to know that neither the angel nor the magic of the paintbrush was true.But yeah I had a miracle in my life, a person who was more than a guardian to me, Baba.He was my mother and father both. So I really wasn't angry at him for lying to me.

Everyone at orphanage was like a big family.But I had formed a special bond with a person named Radhika. She was seven years older than me and treated me like her baby sister.I was really close to her and was very sad on the day she got married to Mr.Kanav Mehta. He was her friend since college and was an owner of a small business firm.Kanav was a very good man and treated Radhika Di like a princess. I was very happy for them.They had a cute little six years old son named Lavin.

I was really happy and content with the way my life was.I had people who loved me.I was following my dream of becoming an artist. I got an opportunity to showcase my talent to the world with few art exhibitions after getting an art degree and the response was very good.But the best ever opportunity was waiting for me and it was just a call away.

My cellphone rang in my denim's pocket.I picked it up soon.It was from a well renowned organiser they wanted me to showcase my talent in the 'kalakar'art gallery. I couldn't belive my ears. It was really a big deal for a newbie like me.I talked on a phone for some more minutes to discuss the details of the exhibition. As soon as I ended the call, I let out a big ear defening scream and was jumping like a child. Soon my cellphone rang again.I saw the caller ID and answered the call in no time. It was Radhika Di.

"Di....you won't belive. ...what just... happened?", I managed to spoke through the panting as I was out of breath due to the jumping.

"Abbi what happened?Are you alright kiddo?", she asked in a worried tone.

"Yep Radhika Di, I am fine. You know who is going to showcase her paintings in the 'Kalakar'art gallery this Saturday? ", I was squealing with excitement.

"No way!! Oh my god. Abbi you made it.It was your dream.I am so happy for you",she couldn't contain her excitement.

She continued to speak further,"But wait..did you just say it's on Saturday?Oh god! I hate to break this to you but Kanav's business partner is getting married on the same day and I really need to be with him in the ceremony. ", the sadness in her voice was so evident. I knew she couldn't help it and I would love to have her by my side on the most important day of my life but she wasn't just my sister. She was a wife too.

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