Blue part-2

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Abigail's POV

It's been a week since I gave that advertisement in the newspaper.I got few responses but it didn't work out.With Mihi gone and the upcoming exhibition,I was seriously getting worried.What am I gonna do?Then my cellphone started ringing.It was Radhika Di.She wanted me to join her for lunch but I had to refuse since I was really in a big mess.

"Abbi,can't you just come for half an hour?"She asked.

"Di,I would have come but I have a workshop this afternoon.I really can't make it.I don't know how am I gonna manage all this?I replied her in sad tone.

"Don't worry Abbi.You will get through this.Did you find new assistant?"She enquired.

"Nope.I guess I have to manage all the things on my own."I laughed a nervous laugh.Soon the bell rang.

I ended the call and went to open the door.There I met my cute little students who had just arrived for workshop.

I stood beside and let them inside the apartment.After settling them in the studio,They looked at the paintings hung on the walls.I could see the amusement in their innocent eyes.

"Liked them?I asked them.

"Yes."They replied in unison.

"I want to paint like that one day."a little girl named Shanaya said with excitement.

" will."I replied her with a smile.

"She is lying to you Shanaya.A stupid girl like you can't draw even a small tree."a boy named Vihan spoke venomously. He was older than the rest of the kids.

After hearing that,Shanaya started crying.This boy was definitely a trouble. I tried to stop her crying.But she didn't budge.

"Vihan,you shouldn't talk rudely to anyone.Now apologise to her,come on."I said to him.

"Why should I say sorry?I was speaking the truth."He said stubbornly.

"I am not teaching you guys anything until Vihan says sorry to Shanaya."I addressed all of them.

This worked as the rest of the kids started forcing Vihan to do what I had demanded. He soon got irritated and apologised to her.This made her stop crying.

Then I started to teach them the basics of drawing since they were too small to understand the hard core art of painting.

They were trying to imitate the shapes I had drawn on the black board when the bell rang.I wondered who would it be.Since all the kids had already come.I opened the door and saw someone talking on the cellphone.I couldn't see his face as he was standing with his back facing me.

He turned around and I was frozen at my place.It was Mr.Walia who was now staring at me with a smile on his face.He looked different with his casual attire.He had worn green polo t-shirt and Jeans.

"What are you doing here?"I blurted out what my mind was thinking. Soon I bit my tongue.

"Am I not allowed to come inside?"He asked breaking the silence that had fallen around us.

"Oh! Sorry for that.please come inside."I said moving aside.He walked past me and entered the living room.I could see him observing the surroundings.Then I told him to take a seat.He sat on the couch.

I sat on the chair beside couch."What would you have tea or coffee?"I asked trying to cover my nervousness.I was really getting impatient to know why he had come here.But I didn't ask him as it would look inappropriate since he was the one who had saved me from the blatent danger that had fallen on me at the wedding.

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