Yellow-part 2

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Abigail's POV

"I am so not talking to you guys.You all abandoned me on the exhibition day."I said making a pout.Though I wasn't angry on those people for real.I was just kidding around.

I had come along with Radhika Di to meet Baba after a long time since we both were so busy from past few days.We were sitting in his living room.Baba's house and the orphanage building were semi-detached.

"Sweetheart,I really couldn't make it.I already told you the reason."said Radhika Di in an apologetic tone.

"Abbi,we both are very sorry for that.I couldn't really reschedule the meeting with those parents you know."his face had fallen while saying it.

This was enough to end my drama then and there.I bursted in fits of laughter.They looked confused with my behaviour but soon realised I was fooling them with my fake anger.They were glaring at me now.I gave them a sheepish smile.

"It's not funny,Abby."said Radhika Di in an angry manner.

"I agree with you,Radhika."added Baba.

"Come on guys I should be the one who should be angry.Not you guys.",I said in a complaining manner.

They both burst into laughter after watching the expressions on my face.I guess it was my turn to get fooled.Baba soon left to his office which was in the orphanage building as he had a visitor.Now it was just Radhika Di and me.

"You didn't even tell me how did the exhibition go".she complained to me.

"Sorry for that Di.It was so good.People loved my paintings.Some of them got sold for a very good price."I replied.Talking about the exhibition lead me to thinking about the guy I met who wanted to buy the horse painting.

"Hey Monalisa,where have you been busy all these days huh?"a male voice inturrpted our conversation.He would always call me that even though I was a painter and not the art model.It was Hriday who had just entered the house.Hriday looked exactly like Baba.He had also inherited his black big eyes which complimented his fair complexion really well.He was was taller must be 5'7 and had a bit curly hair.

"I was busy with the exhibition work."I replied smiling at him.He smiled back and greeted Radhika Di when he noticed she was also sitting on the couch near me.

They both were talking to each other about his new job.He was a software engineer and had recently landed his first job in a small IT firm.Soon my cellphone rang.It was my assistant who reminded me I had few parents visiting studio.They wanted to enroll their kids for a drawing workshop.I excused myself as I headed out to talk.This kids belonged to the rich family and the fees I charged them was sufficient enough to pay the rent of my studio plus apartment and my household bills.I could save some good amount of money as well after the payments.The money I earned by selling the painting would go into the welfare fund of orphanage.Though Baba was hesitant to take it and would always cringe whenever I did so.

I returned to the living room again. Hriday wasn't there.He had gone into his room to freshen up.So I took Radhika Di's leave.She reminded me to come to Lavin's school by 12.30pm as my cute nephew was going to perform in a musical for the charity event held by school.I promised her that I will be there on time.

I drove my scooter and reached to my apartment building.I rang the bell,my assistant Mihika opened the door.She had a spare key of the apartment.I could trust her since she was a nice girl.She was younger to me by a year or two and was pursuing her graduation in commerce. Though art fascinated her.I had met her at the exhibition I had participated in.She really looked impressed with my paintings and was continously prasing them.We became good friends afterward. I was in need of assistant as I couldn't balance between the studio workshops and exhibition.She offered me to volunteer.She was so reluctant to accept the salary in exchange of the work.But my insistence couldn't let her do so.She had to agree to it.

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