Yellow-part 1

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Vikram's POV

I woke up by the sound of my alarm. Though I had slept for many hours,I was feeling little tired.May be it was because of the weird dream I had last night.I rose from my bed and went into the bathroom.

I was taking shower when the memories of the dream from last night,started popping up in my head.I had dreamt of the girl I met at the art gallery, the one with hazel coloured eyes. In my dream, she was leading me to some place I didn't remember exactly. But I still remember how thrilled I was when she held my hand into hers. We were walking for a while through the darkness when she suddenly halt and gestured me to come forward.I was now standing beside her.There was light coming from a tunnel like structure.

I was drawn towards the light by an unknown force.When I reached to the end of the tunnel, I saw two people standing in front of me.I couldn't figure out who they were as I was blinded by the sudden exposure of light. I rubbed my eyes and had a look at those people again.I froze at my place when I realised those people were none other than my parents. My mom had tears of joy in her eyes when she met my gaze.I felt a tear rolling down my cheek as well.Dad was looking at me with amusement. His smile was evident enough to know that he was proud of me,was he really?

Then Mom and Dad said in unison,"let go of us son.Don't hold onto the sad memories. They are eating you from inside.Start living".

"You can't make me forget you.I can never ever lead a normal life again.I want to remember you guys.please don't tell me to move on with life.Your son died with you in that accident.The man standing in front of you is nothing but a living corpse.please be with me atleast in my memories.",I begged them.

"Son,we both love you so much. But love is not a burden, it should be a relief. Be happy that's all we want.",replied Dad.

And in the next minute,they both disappeared in the thin air.I wanted to hold them in a tight hug so that I could keep them forever with me.I looked around me,the girl had also disappeared.

Soon the tunnel started pulling me towards it. I ran to get away from it.I kept running and just then I heard a sound of my alarm and my dream had come to an end.

I came out of the shower and got ready in my navy blue suit.I drove in my car and soon reached to my workplace. I was entering into my cabin, when my secretary greeted me with good morning. I just nodded my head in response.

I sat in my chair and was going through my emails when the telephone on my desk rang.It was Mukesh.He wanted discuss the financial report of the last year.I told him to come to my cabin.

He soon arrived with a bunch of files and his laptop. He sat in the chair in front of me.After settling his things on my desk, he started talking about the report. But I couldn't concentrate on the work anymore.I was mentally absent from that place.

I was brought back from my thinking when Mukesh snapped his fingers in front of my face.I tried to maintain a calm look but I guess I had failed. He had already realised I wasn't paying attention to him.

"Vik,are you alright?I have observed that you are not paying much attention to work nowdays and you never do that.Tell me what's wrong with you?",he asked in a worried manner.

"Nothing.its just that I am not having proper sleep from past few days.",I replied in casual manner.

"That's it?",he asked doubtfully.

"Actually,I had this dream last night about my parents.", I revealed at last.

"So what was so bad in it.We dream of the people we miss.",he said.

"The thing that is bugging me the most is I never had dreamt of parents in all these years since I lost them.They both suddenly came into my dream yesterday with a weird request.",I said it to myself more than to Mukesh.

"They wanted me to move on with my life and forget all sad memories associated with them,like it's even possible.",I said with a sarcastic smile.

"They were right.You can't keep punishing yourself like this.You can fool the world with your fake happiness but not your closed ones.",said Mukesh.

"How does she know that I am not happy? How did she understand the pain in my eyes most people failed to see?",I asked to him.

"Who are you talking about exactly?", asked Mukesh cluelessly.

"Abigail.",I replied.Her name was melodious just like her voice.

"Who Abigail?",he asked.Mukesh was really getting on my nerves now.How could he be so dumb sometimes plus that girl was not easy to forget.

"The artist we met at the exhibition.That girl who refused to sell her painting to me.Do I need to tell you anymore? ",I asked him with a frown on my face.

"Oh! That beauty with attitude huh?",he asked me with a smirk on his face.

"Wipe that smirk from your face you dumbnut.",I said in a mocked serious tone.

"What about her?", he sounded curious now.

"I saw her too in that dream and she looked at me like she knew what was hurting me from inside.I need to meet her.",I said in a desperate voice.

"Are you sure about it?It was just a dream.",he asked in a doubtfull manner.

"Just gather her information soon.",I ordered him.
***************************************** After the discussion of financial report, I went back to checking my rest of the emails,just when a reminder of a charity event popped up on my laptop screen.At the same time my secretary knocked at the door of my cabin.I told her to come inside.

She had come to remind me that I needed to attend a fuction held at a private school for a charity cause of the underprivileged children of the NGO.This NGO was associated with my organisation.My uncle was a very generous man and gave lot of donations to the NGO's around the country. This NGO was one of them.So I needed to attend this function.

I drove my car to 'Sunflower private School'.I parked my car and was soon greeted by the principal and some of the teachers at the gate.They welcomed me and escorted me to the stage in the big playground. I sat on the chief guest chair. The kids were sitting with a bored look on their face.They must be waiting for the time to pass by as they looked eager to go home.I was just like them when I was kid.I would almost run to the gate when the school bell rang.I was always so eager to meet my mom and dad after school.

Soon the bunch of girls and boys appeared on the stage and sang welcome song for me.It was followed by a dance number of the little boys and girls. Though few of them were out of sync,they looked cute altogether.Some of the parents were cheering out loud when they saw their kids performing.

The event came to an end after an hour or so.The school had collected a good amount of money to donate to the NGO through the charity event.I also signed a cheque of a lumpsum amount and handed it to the NGO head.I was about to leave when the principal stopped me and insisted on having a coffee or snacks. I refused politely but she didn't budge.So I went to the meeting room along with the teachers and the principal.

After having coffee with them,I took their leave and was making my way through the hallway. Just when I turned to the corridor, I bumped into someone.When I looked at the person,I was met with a pair of hazel eyes again. But she wasn't alone this time. There was a small boy holding her hand.Was he her son?This girl never fails to surprise me every time I meet her.
A/N:I like serious characters in the story. How do you like Vikram?I have described Vikram as a serious guy.But he won't be like this forever.You will see different aspects of this character in the coming chapters.Also if you have been observant enough you will notice I have named chapters by colours. Suggest me colours and I will use it the coming chappy or somewhere in the future chapters for sure.:))Vote and comment if you like this story. Would like to hear it from you guys.
*Unedited*Happy reading♡♡♡♡

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