Blue part-1

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Vikram's POV

"I hate weddings.There are some reasons behind it.They look overrated to me.I mean if two people decide to marry why would the world go crazy and celebrate as if it's their own wedding.The purpose of marriages have definitely been overlooked in our society.All they want is a big fat wedding with designer dresses for groom and the bride.Then there are a pre-wedding celebrations like sangeet, mehendi and what not.The list goes on and on and on.These are nothing but a total wastage of time and money."I exasperated.

"I totally agree with you Buddie,but they are serving some amazing food here."said Mukesh while stuffing a big bite of samosa in his mouth.I am sure he wasn't even paying attention to what I was saying earlier.We had come to attend the wedding of my staff member and I was really feeling out of place and wanted to return home as soon as possible.

"Sir, why are you not eating anything?"asked Groom's elder brother  while gesturing a waiter to come to us.I was aware of what was going to happen next.The waiter neared us and served all kind of starters on my plate which I had kept empty purposely.I was staring at my food plate which had become a mixture of all kinds of starters lying above each other in a small place.

"If you don't want to eat that.I will eat it."with this Mukesh emptied the food from my plate to his and I did not complain at all.I was relived instead. That glutton can eat whole mountain of food and won't even burp.

I was sipping on my wine when my eyes were blinded by the reflection of mirrors. I covered my eyes to avoid the irritation and moved aside.Soon the reflection was gone.I stared at the person who was possessing this stupid dress or lehenga or saree whatever they call it nowdays which had mirrors all over them.But couldn't look at the face as she was standing with her back facing me.

I was about to take my eyes off her when she turned in my direction.The face I saw mesmirised me like it always did.I hadn't expected to meet her so soon.It was Abigail.She actually looked cute in a  lemon yellow saree with mirror sequencing on it.Her hazel eyes were highlighted with the broad kajal around them.Those eyes sure were a sight to look at.She had let her hair open.She looked like a beautiful painting. Since when you became so interested in arts.My sarcastic mind never misses an opportunity to slam at myself.

She walked upto the stage and hugged the bride who looked very fond of her.I could see the way those two were talking and whispering things to each other.Then she turned her attention to the groom and was talking to him with this playful smile on her face.I wanted to inturrpet those two so badly but kept that thought to myself.She soon called some more girls to the stage and they were now demanding a money in return of Manomay's shoes.One of the cliché things you see in Indian weddings. They were having a friendly argument over the amount of money. Finally the groom had to accept his defeat and give away the money.

She got off the stage and was making her way to someone.Soon I saw her sister and her son Lavin.There was a man with grey hair who looked in his fifties.I guess he was her father.She was engrossed in talking to them.When a little girl walked up to her and whispered something in her ear and left.Abigail excused herself from her family and went to the area which was little away from Mandap.My eyes were glued to the place she had gone and disappeared.I was getting impatient and soon went to check on her by making an excuse of the restroom. Mukesh was engrossed in eating the desert so didn't doubt my sudden exit.

I walked upto the area where she had gone.But there was nobody.I wondered where did she disappear suddenly.I was about to return to the Mandap when I heard a sound of an object crashing on the floor.I walked further in the direction of it.What I saw in front of me made me clench my fist in anger.I saw a guy was pinning her to wall by holding her arms with his one hand.She was trying to scream but couldn't do so as his other hand was covering her mouth.

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