purple-part 1

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Vikram's POV

I have this urge of going away from all the chaos of this world.Right now,I want to scream out loud from the top of my office building. Do you ever feel you are trapped in a hole and you don't feel like coming out even if you know the way out. I feel that way oftenly.

Cause I am not brave enough to accept the defeat. I guess that's what money and power does to you. They give you a feeling that you are the king of the huge Kingdom but the reality slaps you across the face when there is no one to share your happiness with.No one to feel the pain in your voice. No one to bring the joy of small things of the world.

Still I put on a facade and I won't be boasting if I say I pulled it off so better that people around me think I am so happy. They think my life is perfect. May be it is.I own a big textile company which has branches across the globe. I am hell rich and lead a luxurious life some people can only dream of living. I am Vikram Walia,a twenty five year old well known business man of India.The most desirable bachelor . That's how all magazines describe me.But they don't know the real Vikram. All they see is the outer me, the one which is handsome and confident and can turn anything into gold. But the person they think I am doesn't exist in reality.

I shook off all those pessimistic thoughts from my head and continued to go through the presentation my staff member had made. Soon the telephone rang. I picked up the receiver and heard a familiar voice from the other side. It's was my friend and business advisor Mukesh Shah. He called me to remind that we were going to some art exibition.I was not into art at all.So I told him to go ahead with his plan.Anyway I had a conference call lined up.He hung up on me.Yeah he does that whenever he wants to convince me in person. I was sure he would enter my cabin any minute. I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in", I answered in a frustrated kind of tone.

Mukesh entered the cabin and sat without even taking permission. I never mind it cause he was my friend.Also he was the only person I had close to anything like family.I lost my parents when I was small.I was raised by my uncle.He wasn't like my dad at all but he made sure I get everything I needed.Whatever I am today it's because of that man.He owned this textile company and I helped him to grow it globally. He died few months ago due to prolonging illness.

"How many times have I told you to be nice to people?Still you treat them like shit.",he sounded just like those typical nagging grandparents.

"Sorry grandpa", I apologised in a mocked serious tone.

He made an irritated face after hearing what I said.He was about to say something again when the telephone rang.I picked it up soon.It was my secretary who informed me that my conference call was cancelled. I was so pissed off as I was really looking forward to it. The client was based in UK so it was a great opportunity.I was beyond angry and was about to take out my anger on my secretary when Mukesh snatched the receiver and put it down.

"It's not her fault that the conference got cancelled. May be it's a sign that God wants you to come with me to that art exhibition. ", said Mukesh with a smirk on his chubby face.

"You know I am an atheist and there is no way I am coming to that crap exhibition. Art is not for me.", I replied him bitterly.

"You have to come as it's your house that is getting renovated. Your interior designer wants you to pick the art things, not me.Still I am helping you with it.you owe me big, man.",replied Mukesh with those proud expressions on his face.

"Can't we just give her money and let her buy the stuff for me?",I asked in lazy voice.

"She has already robbed you with a high fee.I am afraid at the end of the renovation you will end up giving away all your fortune. So I decided to buy the paintings on our own.", he said dramatically.

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