Orange Part 1

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Vikram's POV

I was jogging in the park.It was my daily routine.Just when I was passing by the regular path I bumped into someone. It was a small kid.He had lost his balance and was about to hit the ground. I held him immediately in my arms.When my eyes met with him,a smile formed on my lips.It was Lavin.

His eyes were still shut as he thought he would fall onto the ground.I called his name"Lavin,open your eyes.You are safe now."He opened his one eye to check whether he was alright. I laughed at his innocence. Since when you find kids so innocent.

"Thank you Viram uncle."he said with a toothy smile.I wondered how I was okay with him calling me uncle.Cause I really hated it the other day when that monstrous kid was calling me the he also called my name incorrectly but I still didn't mind it. Something was definitely wrong with me.

"What are you doing all alone here?Does your parents know it?"I asked kneeling down on my knees to match up his height."I am not alone.Massi has come with me."he said giving me a sheepish smile and looked around to check whether anyone was seeing us.It looked fishy.I was about to take him to Abigail but she soon appeared in front of us.

"Love where did you go? I was looking for you since last one hour."she came closer to us and hugged him tightly. I could see she had been crying as the tears had dried on her cheeks.This kid is a little devil.Then she noticed me and was in utter surprise. "What are you doing here?"she asked me. I wonder if that's her favourite question cause she keeps asking me that offently.

"Well, It's a public park and I happened to jog around here like everyday."I was a bit angry on her for not letting me explain my side of the story the other day.It hurt me that she didn't even consider my good intention of helping her.I know what happened on that day was a blunder.But I still couldn't tolerate her anger towards me.

"Sorry.if it came out as rude.I was just enquiring casually."She said genuinely.I could see guilt creeping all over her face.I felt bad for my behaviour. A silence soon fell around us.Suddenly Lavin shouted in excitement breaking the silence"Massi, look there is a candy floss stoll. I want one Candy floss...candy floss"he was now chanting those words while he ran around us in a circle.I laughed heartily and found Abigail staring at me with amusement.She immediately looked away when our eyes met and turned her attention to Lavin.

"You are not going to get any.Since you already had lots of chocolates when we got into the park.Your teeth will rotten and then rats will stole them away while you are asleep.You want that?"she asked faking a serious tone.

I chuckled at her words and she shot me an angry look.I soon mouthed a sorry.But it was too late.Lavin had realised her little lie and stomped his feet and kept asking for candy are annoying sometimes I concluded.

Abigail was now taking him to the stall.Lavin was squealing in excitement and was jumping up and down till they reached the stall.She bought three candy floss and they both soon returned to the place where I was standing.Lavin handed me a candy floss. I politely refused it."Thanks Viram uncle.I will have two candy flosses now."he said gladly.I chuckled after his reply.Abigail narrowed her eyes at him.

Then she got busy in eating the candy floss.She looked so cute and was showing her tongue to her nephew as it had turned dark pink now.She had some pink cotton stuck near her lips.I tried to tell her that.She checked her lips but couldnt get it off.I extended my hand and reached for the piece and took it off.While doing it I accidently touched her lips. They felt soft and delicate.I resisted the urge to touch them again.

Soon Lavin met his school friend who had come with his granny. He got busy in playing with him.Abigail and I was sitting on the bench near the area where those kids were playing.We sat there in silence for a while.

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