Orange part 2

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Abigail's POV

"Will you give me an honour to be your boyfriend?"I was hearing those words even in my dreams. It would always be a re-repeat of the same dream all over again. I would end up tossing in my bed without any traces of sleep after that.

"Abbi, did you decide the day you will be taking out the childrens on picnic?"asked Baba bringing me back from my trance. "Huh??.yeah I am going to Radhika Di's place."I spoke trying to look normal. Baba was looking at me with a smile playing on his lips.

"What happened Baba? Why are you smiling like that?"I asked looking at him doubtfully.

"My dear little angel.I didn't ask that.I was talking about the picnic you have planned for kids."He replied. oh oh!! He will surely understand something is troubling me. I gave him a sheepish smile and mumbled a quick sorry. He laughed heartily then suddenly his expressions changed to serious ones. "Abbi, is anything bothering you child? You can tell me as long as you are comfortable telling me or you can also talk to your Di."he asked taking my hand in his. I felt better for a while. Talking to Baba was the best solution to any problem. He was the best counsellor in the world moreover the best father.

But how could I tell him about Vikram? He wouldn't be judgemental I am sure but still I was hesitating to blurt out the truth.Would it be fine if I tell him about it when even I was not sure of my answer to his proposal. I haven't accepted it yet and haven't rejected it either. How could you talk after chocking on the coffee, right?

All along the ride I had coughing fits, but I doubt it was because of coffee. I found Mr. Walia looking at me with great concern whenever I threw a glance in his direction.I didn't even thank him for dropping me home or said goodnight. I directly made a run to my apartment. He might have given second thoughts about the proposal when I reacted like a maniac the other day.

"Abbi, your worried face is bothering me.should I call over Radhika? "with this he was about to dial her number on cellphone but I stopped him. "He proposed me."I finally blurted out the truth. I felt so embarrassed after saying that and covered my face. "Abbi, look at me."said Baba trying to pull away my hands from face. I listened to him and was staring at his face now.

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about it dear. Someone likes you and It's not a bad thing.Now tell me who is this 'he'?"He spoke calmly. "You know Mr.Vikram Walia?"I asked him while fidgeting my with my scarf. I was looking at the floor all the while I talked to him."Yes.Did he propose you?"he asked and them mumbled something like'I had come to know about it'under his breath.

"What did you say Baba? "I asked to confirm if I had heard the right thing. "I noticed the way he was admiring you from distance on Mihika's wedding. "He stated with a small smile."How did you know that?"I asked with amusement. Vikram likes me and I thought only I knew about it.

"So now you must be thinking how I did I come know right. It's because I am your father and I should know what's going on in my daughter's life."he said trying to sound normal though I could figure out he was hiding something from me. The crease formed on his forhead was too evident to ignore. I glared at him the the best I could.

"Okay Abbi, he called me on Sunday.He told me that he proposed you but since you didn't give any importance to his casual proposal. He expressed his intentions of meeting me formally and asking for your hand for marriage.Do you like him Abbi?"asked Baba looking into my eyes as if he wanted to gauge my reaction.

"No."I replied.

"Okay. So you hate him?"he asked.

"Baba, To be honest I really don't know what I feel about him.The first time I met him, he was so ruthless, arrogant and money obsessed jerk. I had even wished to never meet such crude human again in life.But then we kept meeting by coincidence, sometimes in the park...sometimes in the middle of the busy street. This meetings showed me the good side he possesses. He isn't bad.He is just too rich to be with. Our worlds are so apart from each other." I tried to sound normal but I knew it was lame reason to reject someone.

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