Red part-2

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DAY 2 ●continues. .....

Abigail's POV

"Di,cool down. It's just an invitation to a party.We are not even going to meet after this week."I revealed the truth finally. I thought it might stop her from getting any hopes up.

"What's this one week thing?Would you mind enlightening me on it my little sister?"she asked raising her eyebrow.

I explained her everything. She shook off her head in disappointment. Then she commented"I thought you are a fool to refuse him.But I guess you have a company. Why did that duffer come up with such idiot proposal?How can he just give up so easily?"

"Don't call him duffer."I regretted saying it as soon as those words left my mouth. "Oh! Sorry for calling him a duffer. Someone is becoming over protective of a guy she doesn't even like."Di said in a teasing manner.

"Stop it. This will be over soon after a week.If teasing me makes you happy,go on."I said in irated manner and got up as I really needed to start preparing for the party.

"Offcourse,I love teasing you.You are my baby sister,my first baccha(kid). And one more thing sweetheart, you don't need a lifetime to fall in love.Sometimes even a week is enough."I heard her screaming out loud while I reached for the door.

I unlocked the door of my apartment and entered inside. I went directly to my wardrobe and looked for something sober to dress up. I just realised I don't have anything good to wear at the party. I plopped on the bed and rested my head between my two hands. I was surrounded by huge piles of clothes but none of them were useful. I pulled my hair in frustration and looked at the empty wardrobe. The thought of putting all those clothes back again in the proper manner made me groan.

I threw my old pair of navy blue denims inside the wardrobe in frustration. Unfortunately, It got stuck on something and soon hit the floor with loud thud.I sighed and got up from bed.Then I went closer to grab it from the floor. There was a box underneath. I grabbed it and soon opened it. My eyes literally fell from their sockets. My denims had played a fairy godmother from the cinderella story. Where were you hiding all these days you cute little thing? Off course it didn't hide anywhere. You pushed it at the back of your wardrobe due to your own complexes. My sarcastic mind replied instantly.

It was a red anarkali dress that Mihika had gifted me. We were shopping at the mall one day and I fell for this dress instantly. But when I had a look at the back of dress my jaw had dropped. It was almost backless. I cancelled my plan of buying it since I wasn't comfortable showing off so much skin. If you overlooked this one drawback,the dress was actually pretty cute. Mihi bought it for me without even letting me know which earned her lecture from me later. But I couldn't put up the resistance for too long due to her melodrama regarding how she thought of me as her own sister. I was missing her.I instantly made a note of calling her soon in my mind.

I held the dress closer to my body as I glanced in the mirror. It looked okay. But when I flipped it to the other side, I groaned in disappointment. But I had no option. I thought of covering the back with the help of Dupatta.

I wore the dress. The colorful thread embroidery at the front was giving it a charming look. I let my hair down but they looked like a mess. So I tied them in a one side braid. I applied very light make up except for my lips. I had coloured them in a bold red since it would go perfectly with the red dress. I wasn't much into accessories so I wore a kundan danglers in my ears and teamed it with the set of Kundan kada(bangles) Radhika Di had gifted me on last diwali.

I had a final look in the mirror. Something was still lacking so I put a shiny bindi on my forehead. Now you look presentable, Abigail, I concluded to myself. Suddenly my phone rang. I answered it imdiately thinking it might be from Vikram. I still didn't have his number. I wondered how he got mine though we didn't make any effort of sharing numbers. To my dismay, it wasn't him. It was his personal assistant. She told me that the car was waiting for me outside my building. I thanked her for informing and rushed to the door. I had to come back again as I had forgotten my clutch and dupatta as well. Behave you clumsy girl or you will make fool yourself at the party.

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