Red-Part 3

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Abigail's POV

It had been two days since I went to Vikram's party. I didn't meet him after that. He didn't make any efforts too and this fact kept me sulking all night. I kept tossing in my bed. Why I didn't stop him when he was kissing me? The fact that I didn't feel bad about him kissing me made me feel pathetic. He was in love with me that's why he lost control. But why didn't I break the kiss. Did I want it too? The remembrance of the kiss still sents tingles through my body.

Never in my life I felt the way I did when he kissed me. It was like an awakening from the trance. As if, thousands of colours were splashed at the canvas. Each making it's own mark but turning into a beautiful blend at the end. I became teary eyed when I felt the compassion in his eyes for me. Was I a bad girl? Yes I was. Who lets someone kiss her whom she had refused? Who leads a guy into thinking something that can never be.

I felt so ashamed of my actions. I decided to stay away from him. That was better for his own good. He deserved Sanyogita,not an ordinary girl like me. Her mom was right about them. I has ran into her when I was about to leave the mansion. Apparently she had seen Vikram kissing me. She was so angry when she confronted me.

"I had a very good opinion about you Abigail. But after what I saw in the balcony, I have changed it. Now I know what kind of girl you are. The ones which tries to lure someone's fiance. I know you middle class girls so well. But listen good, if you try your tricks on Vikram, I won't spare you. Stay away from him. I can do things you can't even imagine I am capable of."

I wasn't scared of her of threatening.  I was scared of the fact that the accusations she threw my way. They were somehow true. I couldn't go back and change what happened between me and Vikram in the balcony. I couldn't take back the kiss. But I could control the future and that's what I decided to do. The Vikram chapter was over for me.

Soon the doorbell rang, bringing me back from my train of thoughts. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was ten. Who could be visiting me this late, I wondered.

Soon I opened the door of living room. My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. I was least expecting this person right now.

"Sanyogita, hi!"I said awkwardly.

She didn't greet me back. I sensed something was different in her demeanour this time. She wasn't all smiley like she was ,the last time I met her. Why would she be, stupid? You kissed her fiance. Her Mom must have spilled the beans.

Sanyogita entered living room walking past me. What if she fights? What if she shouts or screams? Or worse, is she here to kill me? I gulped down in fear. I closed the door and turned my attention to my guest.

She had already made herself comfortable as she sat relaxed on the couch. "What would you have, Sanyogita. Coffee or tea?"I asked out of courtesy. She was gazing at something in the distance. Then she spoke"when someone's fiance is stolen, all desires, feeling, senses die. You don't feel a thing. Why did you do this to me Abigail?" She was looking into my eyes now. I felt even more miserable. I hated how my stupid actions had resulted into ruining someone's life.

I shouldn't have let things go this far. I hung my head low in embarrassment. Soon a laughter echoed my living room. I looked up in surprise. Sanyogita was rolling on the couch, clutching her stomach. I was surprised with this sudden change in her behaviour. Had she go insane? Was she under a trauma after she got to know about the kiss, I wondered.

I was looking at her in astonishment. She wiped tears that had formed at the corner of her eyes. "Oh Abigail, I could die out of laughing after watching your priceless reaction. Why are you so naive? You really believed what I said earlier."she spoke and again bursted into laughter.

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