Chapter 4

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Mace Windu crept along the same hallway Kira did when she had first arrived. He could sense her presence; it was so strong it was almost as if she were three feet in front of him. He let out a sigh of relief, they'd been separated for nearly two whole days before he was able to track her down. He could only imagine the kind of trouble she'd gotten herself into.

He went to the door and slipped inside when an intruder alert was signaled. He cursed. That was faster than he'd anticipated, he pressed his back against the wall when a group of guards went down the hallway and completely skipped the hanger door he was hiding at and continued on. Kira must have escaped, or was in the process of escaping. The least he could do was cause enough commotion to distract them away from his padawan.

His comlink chirped before he could make a move.

"Hello there, Master." Kira's voice came through, filled with her usual sass. "I seem to have gotten myself in a bit of a mess."

"Kira, I swear-"

"Hey, I'm not done talking," Kira scolded. "Look, I've got them distracted. The prison cells are on the last floor, Jatori is there. Find him and get out, I'll be okay."


"We have a mission, Master," She said. "You must complete it. Plus, I think I've found my way out of here if you have to leave me behind."

"I'm not leaving you behind, Padawan." Mace said sternly into his wrist comm.

"Oh, but you will if you have to," Kira said. "Now, I've got to go. Guards are coming."

Kira cut the comms and when he tried to contact her again the line was dead. He cursed under his breath. He wondered where she got her stubbornness from but decided she was right. The mission had to come first. If she made it through this without getting herself killed, he would be proud of her.

Kira had purposely activated the intruder alert to draw attention from Mace's entrance. If he was there, she could focus on helping Jango while he got Jatori. The slimeball needed to learn who he was messing with and it was about time that lesson was taught.

"Alright, Fett." Kira said, jumping up from her seat. "Let's cause some trouble. My master is going to get Jatori so we're free to go once he has him in custody."

Jango tipped his head to the side in her direction. "I'm not leaving before Frivir is dead."

Kira shrugged. "Alright, let's go kill him then." She said motioning towards the door. "His guard buddies will be here in just a moment. Feel free to start blasting whenever you feel like it."

Jango rolled his eyes before they went to the armory door. "Before we go..." He said and pulled out a thermal detonator, activating it. "Let's make it harder for them to fight back." He tossed three more around the room before both left and shut the door behind them and ran down the hall.

They may have made space between themselves and the impending explosion but ran straight into the guards. Jango immediately opened fire, Kira's lightsabers shot out as she stepped in front of him blocking the blaster fire that rained down on them. It was only a moment before the armory exploded. All in the hall were thrown forward with the force of the explosion. Jango was the first to recover and continued firing. Kira forced herself up, blocking an incoming blast from one of the guards firing at Jango with a reverse grip on her lightsabers. Jango had never seen a Jedi fight in such a way but she fought with a precision that even impressed him.

The guards fired at them but each of their shots were deflected by the golden blades and sent hurtling back at them. It only took three minutes before all six of them were dead. Kira gritted her teeth before glancing back at Jango. He gave a nod towards the turbo lift at the end of the room. Frivir's office, Jango knew, overlooked the arena. Kira followed him until they came through to another set of guards, Kira and Jango repeated the same stance they did before. Kira, in front, blocking the incoming blasts and Jango shooting over her head. They worked as if they'd worked together for years even if they'd only met the day before, they fought their way through this group just as easily and continued their way down the hall until they made it to the turbo lift. Kira punched the controls and the doors opened with a creak. They both got inside, pressed the button for the top floor and waited.

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