Chapter 13

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  The trip to Mandalore was a tense one, and the trip to the medcenter afterwards was even worse. Jense's eyes were like daggers and Kira could feel them burning into her back whenever they were laid upon her. She had the inkling that her resemblance to himself was not yet noticed, he still seemed very dazed and confused but that didn't stop his distrust of all the Jedi in his company.

Aside from the minor laceration on her chin and a touch of dehydration, Kira was in perfect health and after an hour of observation, she was released. She walked out to the lobby and found Kal waiting, his legs crossed, ankle to knee and his arms crossed over his chest. His helmet lay beside him on the seat to the left.

"You're still here?" She asked, a little surprised.

"Yeah," he said leaning against the arm rest. "I can't imagine Jense will be safe to drive home for a while so I figured I'd wait to take him."

"You're a kind man, Skirata." Kira jested. "Mind if I join you?"

Kal nodded and moved his helmet from the seat beside him offering her the space. Kira sat down. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, for the most part. You guys came in the knick of time, the Taavarians weren't able to do their magic on me and aside from Jango dropping me on my face, I'm fine."

"Good," he said with a laugh. "It would be a shame if the only Jedi we've allied with in centuries lost her largest asset."

Kira chucked. She wondered if that implied he intended on seeing more of her after today. "Honestly, though."

"Your Jedi friends should be out shortly," he said. "It seems the older one was a little worse for the wear but they should be fine."

"And Jense?"

Kal shrugged. "I haven't heard anything yet."

Kira nodded. "Hopefully he's alright."

"He's resilient," Kal said assuredly. "I'm sure he will be."

"Good." she said with a nod.

Then, as if on cue, a nurse came from behind a set of doors.

"Are you Kal Skirata?" She asked in Mando'a. Kira couldn't understand a lick of what they were saying but she watched the conversation anyways. She made a mental note to learn the language if she was going to keep hanging around these bucketheads, but it all depended on what happened with Jense. He held her entire future in his hands even if he didn't know it.

"Yes, Ma'am." Kal replied.

"We are going to keep Jense overnight for observation," she said. "It appears he has sustained some head trauma that we would like to keep an eye on."

Kal nodded. "I'd be surprised if he didn't." Considering the tunnel cave-in and being thrown around it would be a miracle if he hadn't sustained some type of injury besides whatever magic the Taavarians used on him.

"He has been insistently asking for you two since he's been here." She said with a smirk.

"I'm not surprised." He chuckled.

"Follow me then." She said with a wave of her hand.

When Kal stood, Kira did as well. He switched back to basic. "We're going to see Jense now if you're still up for it. Now's your last chance to walk away, he won't let you leave if you walk in there without answers."

"I'm ready, Kal." She answered with a pat on his shoulder. He nodded and turned to the nurse.

The nurse led them down the hallway Kira had just come down from to a door opposite of the room Kira had been in previously. She waved her hand over the panel and the door slid open.

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