Chapter 6

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It was four days before her trials and ever since she'd gone to Tooma her views of the Jedi had slowly started crumbling around her. It seemed that every time she turned around there was another reason for doubt to seep into her mind. She had never questioned her lot in life so much until now. She laid on the mat of her quarters unable to sleep. All she could think about was what the Tamzin had said and what disturbed her more was the fact that she wasn't wrong No matter how much Kira wanted to ignore what she'd said she couldn't..

She had failed her knight trials; the very trials Kira was just days away from taking. What if Kira failed? She knew she would have the same mindset as the twi'lek, Kira was not one to be tamed into staying in one place for too long. She craved that adventure; it would drive her crazy being stuck talking to plants.

Not only was it the trials that kept her up at night but also what Tamzin had said about the life she almost had but never got the chance to live. She had said she was supposed to be a princess and now she was little more than a farmer with a pathetic ability to use the Force. It made Kira think of the Mandalorian with the lightning bolts. She could not get the sight of that helmet out of her head; it was as if it were burned into the back of her eyelids. She saw it every time she closed her eyes.

She cursed the Mandalorian, Jango Fett. Had she never met him she might not be in such emotional turmoil. In just a few hours with him, he'd managed to turn her entire world upside down, she hadn't even seen or spoken to the man since they parted ways. He had given her the offer to give her information on Jense Kenvor though and that made it hard not to consider it... but she was a Jedi, she could not have attachments. She already was too attached to Mace Windu, she shouldn't allow herself the opportunity to potentially grow attached to another father. She had told herself over and over that she would not take up Fett's offer to find this other Kenvor. She would not contact him.

Kira was, however, an incredibly impulsive creature.

She couldn't exactly remember getting up to grab her comlink and she certainly didn't remember entering Fett's frequency, it was as if her body was on complete autopilot. Kira was barely even a passenger on board as she pressed her back against the wall with her knees pulled to her chest as the comm chirped every few seconds as it waited for Fett to answer.

When he did, Kira's stomach leapt into her throat. The image of him lit her dark room with a light greenish-blue hue that flickered every now and then, the figure of the Mandalorian rested in the palms of her hands.

"Jedi." He greeted with the rasp of his helmet's filtering.

"Fett." She greeted back, swallowing down the knot in her throat that threatened to choke her..

"Can I do something for you?" He asked, he was clearly curious and didn't bother hiding it.

"You said you could help me."

"I'm expensive."

"The price was already paid," She said, keeping her voice quiet in hopes of not alerting anyone who might be walking outside her door. "A favor for a favor."

"You want Skirata's man?" He asked knowing that was exactly what she was after. He had been wondering how long it would take her to cave in, turns out. It wasn't long.

Kira hesitated, wondering if he would even care why she wanted to find this Mandalorian then decided it didn't matter. She needed to talk to someone about it and Mace was not the one to speak to. He wouldn't understand and likely wouldn't approve, especially this close to her trials and it would lead to questions about how she knew about a mandalorian with her name and going into detail about what actually happened on Tooma was something she'd rather not do. "Can we meet?"

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