Chapter 12

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***Author's Note***

I'm sorry for such a long spell between chapters, summer is typically a very busy season for me but this summer I moved halfway across the country and then quite literally got kicked in the head by a horse (my horse, not some random horse) so as you can imagine, I've been a bit preoccupied! But it is winter now so hopefully I can fight off the writer's block and get more chapters posted soon!


Sleep would not come easy for the exhausted group, and when it did, it was lightly and quickly interrupted by the rising sun. Jango Fett was the first to stir from his spot between Kal and Kira. His body was stiff and he had a growing headache forming behind his eyes. Even with the fruit they'd found he was starving and surely dehydrated. He couldn't wait to get off this miserable planet. Skirata had owed him big time for this, he didn't even want to go in the first place. If it wasn't for the pouting Jedi he likely would have told the old sergeant no and gone about his life away from Jedi and Mandalorians.

The sun was shining above the treetops but dark clouds threatened in the horizon for another rainstorm. The air was colder than the day before and the wind started to blow and the smell of rain was thick. They would have to hurry if they wanted to avoid being drenched for yet another day. Jango couldn't wait to take a shower.

Kira stirred beside him and yawned.

"We should get moving." Jango said, his spine popped several times as he stretched. "It's going to start raining again."

Kira frowned. "Disgusting." She said.

Once the group had all woken up, with the exception of the still unconscious Jense, they had begun gathering their equipment to begin the journey home. Jedi Master Pao'l seemed to be doing better than the day before. He had insisted that he was able to walk but Khane refused to allow it. Kira could admire the devotion Khane had towards his master, she knew how close a master and apprentice could be and it made her miss Mace.

She wished she could allow him to know what she was truly doing and all that she had learned about her past in the last several months. While she trusted Jango to some degree, she really didn't know anything about him. She knew she could trust him to have her back but she also wasn't entirely convinced he wouldn't kill her while it was turned when the opportunity presented itself.

While the ship was still a few hours away and all the members were beyond exhausted, they were determined to reach sanctuary from the forest and wasted no time in packing what little they had left to carry back. Kal and Jango had resumed the responsibility of carrying Jense out of the forest while Wad'e and Khane reluctantly took on carrying Pao'l together. Mij took the lead and Kira took up the rear following behind Jango.

Jango's arms and shoulders ached with soreness, he had decent muscle but Jense was not a light man. He was well over Jango and Kal's height and at least fifty pounds heavier than either man and he showed no sign of coming out of his coma anytime soon.

They carried on for several hours as the rain clouds had caught up to them, the wind had begun to blow lightly and the smell of rain filled the air. Kira looked up towards the sky as rain began to fall, a raindrop falling onto her forehead.

"I swear, I will never, ever, in my whole life live in a place that rains so much." She said as she wiped the rain droplet from her forehead.

"Luckily, Coruscant doesn't rain too much." Khane said over his shoulder.

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