Chapter 14

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Kira Kenvor stood in front of the Council alongside Jedi Master Pao'l Trij and Jedi Padawan Khane Oryn to recount their experiences with the Force-stealing Taavarian race. Pao'l stood in the middle with either padawan on each side.

"The Taavarians were thought to be extinct for well over a thousand years but there are- or should I say- were a clan of them in the caves on the planet Mes Cresta. As you all know, my padawan and I were sent there several months ago to assist the local government in the disappearances of civilians," Pao'l explained. "While investigating the disappearances, Khane and I were captured and held captive by these Taavarians and it would seem that they have the ability to drain the Force from a personI have spent much time meditating between our rescue and now and I am unable feel the Force within me as I once did."

Kira stood silently and kept her eyes averted towards the ground with her hands folded together in front of her, one hand holding onto the opposite wrist. All she could think about was that look Mace gave her. He knew she was lying through her teeth and it would only be a matter of time before everything she knew would come crumbling down in front of her. She had truly risked everything she knew for this. She felt sick to her stomach and couldn't even look Mace in the eyes without feeling a tremendous guilt.

"If not for our rescuer, Padawan Kenvor, I am certain Padawan Oryn and I would have perished under the waterfalls on Mes Cresta." Pao'l said. "I believe we should focus efforts towards Mes Cresta and search for further evidence of any more Taavarians. Their strength was unlike anything I had ever seen before and it could pose a serious threat to our Order."

Grand Master Yoda sat in his council chair holding onto his walking cane and listened carefully. "Agree, I do." He said, thoughtfully. "Investigate these creatures, we must. Powerful enemies they could be."

Khane's mouth was formed into a line. He wanted to tell the Council exactly what happened there and while he didn't want to disobey his master, he also didn't want to be involved in such deception. Kira felt his anxiousness in the Force and knew it was likely she was unsuccessful in controlling his mouth and his righteous heart, he was going to ruin her. That she had no doubt of.

"Padawan Kenvor," Master Yarael Poof asked, Kira's eyes shot to him. She had hoped she could get away from this meeting without so much as a word but clearly that wasn't going to happen. "How did you know to go to Mes Cresta and rescue Master Trij and Padawan Oryn? Surely, you were unable to get there on your senses alone."

Pao'l went to speak for Kira but she cut him off. She wasn't going to successfully lie to the Council, Mace already knew something was up and it was likely the other masters would know the moment the lies left her mouth. Yarael Poof's question alone was proof of their doubt. Kira might be expelled for such lies and in some way she had accepted the possibility but she realized she couldn't bring down Pao'l and Khane with her for her own impulsions, not that Khane would allow it. She had to own up to it and it would sound better coming from her than from Khane as he exposed the lies.

"You're right," She said with a sigh. "I did not know on senses alone... or at all."

Khane gave her a sideways glance but kept his face forward.

"Master Windu," She said, lifting her head high and looking directly at her master. "I was not completely honest and forthcoming in the liberation of the senator's son, Oolan Jatori on Tooma. I did not accomplish this task alone. While there, there was a man who was in the pits of the slave fighting ring when I arrived, he was being tortured so I saved him. He in turn helped me save the senator's son."

Mace's eyebrow rose as he listened. Khane listened intently, he wondered if Kira had a change of heart and decided it was in her best interest to own up to her actions. He would be glad for it and honestly, he might even admire her for it. It wasn't an easy thing to admit your failures to the High Council.

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